Chapter 8

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Orihime jumped a little, squeezing Ichigos hand in the dark, they were half way through the first movie, but she could hardly look at the screen. Ichigo took note to Orihime's trembling pulse and rubbed soothing circles into her hand, *well isn't she just perfect, all scared and needing some protection* Hichigo thought, turning the innocent reactions of his girlfriend into some crazy sexual fantasies, as much as Ichigo wanted to ignore it, his stomach turned into a million butterflies. Orihime jumped again next to him, this time letting out a little squeak, "Are you ok Inoue?" He squinted to see her face scrunched and her eyes glued shut, "Ah I'm fine Kurosaki-Kun, I just didn't think the movie would be this scary!" Orihime whispered through the nearly black room. She opened her eyes to take in the people around her, Karin sat straight up with eyes never leaving the Tv, while Yuzu and Isshin had the blankets brought up right under their eyes, slightly jumping at any scare the tv could have brought them, laying her eyes lastly on Ichigo who was giving her a small grin. "It's ok Inoue, no scary monsters will get you." He teased, moving his head slightly towards her while he leaned back to finish the movie, never letting go of her hand.

It had already been a couple hours since the group started their marathon, Yuzu and Karin laid sprawled out across their futons while the closing credits to the last movie rolled off the screen, Isshin Rose carefully stretching his arms above his head and yawning, "Well Ichigo, I'm going to carry your sisters to their rooms and head to bed myself.." Isshin said quietly, turning off the tv in the process, once he looked at Ichigo he made suggestive eye brows, "and don't do anything I wouldn't do!" He called out unable to help himself as he gently lifted Yuzu off the floor to take her to the room first. Ichigo just stared at his father frustrated as he turned his attention to the clearly sleeping Orihime, she was curled up in a neat ball of pink fabric and auburn curls, her mouth was slightly open but not a single sound escaped. He debated on if to carry her to his bed or leave her there, he was sure her neck would be stiff from sleeping on the floor. His train of thought cut off as his fathers approaching foot steps got louder, "Well Ichigo you aren't just gonna leave her on the floor are you?" Isshin asked, picking up Karin who let out a small snore, "Of course not idiot!" Ichigo slightly yelled back in embarrassment, why would he just leave her on the floor? His raised voice caused orihime to stir, leaving her to lay flat on her back, her abundant amount of cleavage slowly rising and falling with her deep breaths. *this just got more interesting* Hichigo said quietly, observing Orihime from Ichigos eyes, possessively obsessing . Ichigo coughed back his inner voice as he stood up from his futon, giving his arms a good stretch. He reached down as slowly as possible to take Orihime's sleeping form into his arms. 'She's still as light as I remembered' he thought, remembering the only time he's ever had to pick her up, quickly being distracted at the silky feel of her skin under his finger tips. Her breast slightly brushed against his chest, which sent his face ablaze, he practically ran the rest of the way to his bedroom and quietly shut the door.

Once inside his dark room, Ichigo placed Orihime down on his bed and covered her up partially with his blanket, she stirred and rolled over, blinking thick eyelashes to the darken room. "Ah, I'm sorry Kurosaki-Kun I must have fallen asleep!" She said panicking, flailing her arms and quickly sitting up. "Oi Inoue it's ok, everyone else is asleep now anyway, it's the middle of the night." Ichigo chuckled a little to her as she turned to the window next to the bed, eyes widening at the faint light of the moon. "Well let me get down stairs then, to sleep" she said quickly, attempting to leave the bed, "no you're sleeping up here Inoue." Ichigo said, keeping her from leaving the confines of the blanket. Orihime blushed, *I'll be sleeping in Kurosaki-Kuns room! Wait that must mean......!!!* before her mind could get the best of her, Ichigo started to stand up from the bed, "you'll have my room and I'll sleep down stairs, let me just grab that extra pillow." Orihime's mind stopped racing immediately, and picked up the pillow from next to her. 'Is that disappointment?...' Ichigo asked himself, seeing a small pout play Orihime's lips as she extended her arm out to him. *well king if you don't fix that look then I will* the voice called from inside his head, angrily yelling at him from making her wear such an expression. The room grew warmer with static, it sparked in flames between them.

Orihime sat there staring at his warm brown eyes, that melted her intensely, her skin started to prickle with anticipation and her stomach turned into lava, melting straight down to her core, leaving her cheeks blazing red and everything tingling. She licked her lips which now felt extremely dry. *that's just inviting...* Hichigo tempted, watching her pink tongue dart onto her lip and quickly hide back in the shelter of her mouth. Ichigo was practically trembling, watching the heated fantasies his hollow was playing, giving into the temptation slightly. He leaned forward, running his fingers up and down her bare arms leaving goose bumps on the trail his fingers made. Orihime stiffened her breathing feeling Ichigos warm hands catching her skin on fire, before she felt moist lips meet hers. She didn't hesitate to kiss him back, as she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, breathing in his scent.
They kissed for a while before breaking to hastily breathe, deeply sucking in much needed air. Orihime just felt more and more hot, like the heat was just going to take over her body, her lips kiss swollen but still hungry. Ichigo watched as a strap to her pajama top hung slightly off her shoulder, tempted to pull it the rest of the way down, Hichigo  beckoned on, luring him, he was more than willing to carry out ideas his hollow could come up with.

The static was only broken by the shrieking sound of his soul reaper badge, "Damn it." Ichigo jumped up and quickly pressed the wood into his chest, leaving Orihime wide eyed on the bed, "I'll be back Inoue....", he said before turning to leave, almost grateful for the usual annoying task of killing hollows, 'who would have known what would have happened if this thing didn't go off..' he thought, bracing himself to jump from the window, a small hand tugged on his wrist anchoring him to the window frame, "Kurosaki-Kun let me come with you." Orihime's eyes bore into his, determined, she wasn't taking no for an answer. He quickly slung her on his back and jumped swiftly from the window.

Authors note: Well that's chapter 8! To anyone whose still keeping up with this story I'm sorry for the whole year delay, I am currently working on another Ichihime story and decided to update this one between chapters. This chapter was not planned out at all, so I'm sorry if the writing is poor or if this one was uninteresting, I'll more than likely do a "between" chapters writing again for this story so do keep a look out! And I promise it'll be better planned out and progress this story onto its next "planned part". Feel free to leave a comment or Dm me with any feedback, recommendations or questions, <3

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