Chapter 5

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 Orihime could almost feel his lips braise hers when he suddenly stopped. He looked her directly into her eyes, she started to shiver with anxiety. 'does Kurosaki-kun not want to kiss me...' He pulled back to scowl, not at her but over her shoulder. " What Urahara?, got a problem" Ichigo said in a husky but annoyed voice. The previous captain was staring at the pair concealing his grin behind his fan. Yoruichi came out the door and burst into a fit of laughter at the scene she came across, "You finally had it in you to jump his bones eh Inoue-san". Orihime jumped back from Ichigos embrace blushing and waving her arms, "Yourichi-san I- I did no such thing.." Yoruichi was still grinning at the innocent girl in front of her, as she continued to blush and stumble over her words.  Ichigo just looked at her in disbelief, ' was I really about to kiss Inoue?'  No sooner before he could approach Orihime so they could leave and talk, a senkaimon opened revealing no other than a short black haired shinigami and a tall tatooed man by her side. Orihime burst with exicitment, "Kuchiki-san, you're back." Orihime all but knocked Rukia over as she wrapped the small woman in a giant hug. "I've missed you too Inoue-san" she said letting go and smiling up at the healers face. She's always enjoyed Orihime, and was glad to be back in her presence. Rukia immediately looked to Ichigo, noticing how he watched Orihime walk back to her original spot by his side, 'so thats finally happening now huh...'  Rukia grinned big and mischievously, before she could start Renji started his antics. "Whoa Whoa Whoa Kurosaki, nothing to say about seeing your friends after so long?". Renji's words were met with ichigo's signature scowl. " Yes you two returned to annoy me to death." Renji's eyebrow twitched but before he could speak Rukia slyly interjected. " He's just jealous were here taking Inoue's attention away from him." she suggestively said smirking as Ichigo turned 3 bright shades of red. "I guess the name 'Strawberry' certainly fits you now Ichigo" Renji added as he started to cackle along Rukia  the pair sounding like a pack of dying hyenas. Yoruichi and Kisuke still standing the door to the shop walked out to join the 4. "Kuchiki-san, Abarai-kun, is there anything you came here for specifically?', Kisuke added the hints of a grin forming on his lips. It wasn't fair to make fun at some and not the others. Renji and Rukia's faces started to flame, making their two friends eye them suspiciously. "Right, about that..." Renji said rubbing the back of his neck, and darting his eyes to look at something  faraway from the people standing around him. Rukia elbowed him in the ribs, making him yelp in pain. "what was that for Rukia?" Renji asked rubbing his  bruising ribs. "you're acting like someone's dying, you idiot! is it really that bad of thing to say?". Renji looked down at the woman standing beside him, all but jumping in his face with her tantrum, a small pout forming on her tiny lips. He scooped her up immediately, placing a kiss on her lips. Ichigo and orihime looked at them wide eyed and embarrassed, Yoruichi and Kisuke just grinned as they made their way back to the porch of the shop. Rukia almost burst into flames as Renjis lips met hers. She could hardly stand once he set her back on the ground, her knees grew weak from kiss he just gave her, she didn't dare to look up at either of her friends in front of her. Renji just looked at Rukia a second longer before speaking. "Nothing to hide, Rukia and I are getting married and we came to personally invite you to the services." Renji said  finally turning from Rukia to his friends, meeting Orihimes tearing eyes. She immediately  embraced Rukia again who was still blushing from the public display of affection. " Congratulations Kuchiki-san." Orihime blubbered as big salty tears were rapidly streaming down her face, "Im so happy for you." she continued to sniffle as she pulled back, Rukia couldn't help but smile at her friend. Orihime and Rukia turned to look to Ichigo now, since he still hasn't spoken a word. His eyebrow twitched at the happy congratulations going on in front of him. Before Orihimes seed of jealousy could start to sprout again, Ichigo finally spoke. "About time Renji", Ichigo said walking forward and clasping his hand on Renji's shoulder. "Thanks Kurosaki, You usually aren't the touchy type... so why now?" Ichigo couldn't help but grin now too. "Didn't think anyone would have the patience to deal with either of you crazy people." Ichigo exclaimed, earning a small laugh from Orihime as the small shinigami started smacking him in the head until he bound down the street, all of his friends chasing  after him. 

It was later that night since Renji and Rukia made their announcements about their engagement, telling him and Orihime the date and and attire to wear.  It was only about 3 weeks away. 'it's not that rushed' ichigo thought, 'you get desperate, especially after something like the blood war.' he wondered in that thought for a moment before falling into a deep sleep. Ichigo recognized the place instantly, He's been here but what?, a thousand times. he stared at his inner world, the cloudless sky, with the tallest buildings he's ever seen. There was something different now in this world, a new addition, right below his skyscrapers was a small field, the long tall grass swaying back and forth before a deep, crystal lake.  He saw three figures sitting on the field, he jumped down to greet them. As Ichigo approached the lake, Zangetsu, Hichigo, and the unnamed Quincy turned to look at him. Zangetsu spoke first, " Ichigo, you should chose now, what path will you take?" He didn't understand his long time partner in battle one bit. "what do yo-" Ichigo was cut off before he could continue, the Quincy man staring at him with piercing blue eyes. "Our sun, that girl that shines so brightly. " Still confused, he just stared at this powers. Hichigo couldn't take this conversation a second more,"Are you gonna claim our princess or not you dense bastard?!" Ichigo stared at him annoyingly now understanding what he meant. "Well I love Orihime, but whose to say she loves me?" He asked, receiving laughs from the three beings around him. The one to stop short was Hichigo, "If you don't claim the Princess soon I will...." he said, a devilish grin forming on his snow white lips. He flashed Ichigo images of Orihime,  naked, hair sprawled around her in a halo of auburn. As if that wasn't Enough to drive Ichigo into immense embarrassment, he put the thought of him whimpering his name, "Ichigo", falling off her plump pink lips in ecstasy. Before he could get too carried away he felt Hichigo testing the security of his mind, he immediately was on his toes,  yet again staring annoyingly at his hollow. The Quincy and Zangetsu just snickered at the stark white man in front of them. Hichigo glared back at Ichigo, "We can always switch roles King, remember that, If I want the Princess, I will have her." Ichigo only thought, 'over my dead body', His hollow chuckled as he lurked back into the darkest parts of Ichigo's soul.  With the inner world fading, he opened his eyes to the gray tinted room, he quickly got up and ready, Yanking the giant box from his floor before heading out the door. If Orihime was going to be anyone's, she was going to be his.

 Thank you for coming back to read chapter 5! if you stood around or are a new reader, please leave comments or message me with any questions, I am terribly sorry for the almost 2 year hiatus between chapters, I had a lot of life going on, but I am back with a Laptop this time ready to type this and many other stories out. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, here's to number 6!

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