Chapter 9

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    The wind blew chill against Orihime's bare legs, the only heat coming from Ichigo's warm hands, that practically melted through her skin, directly going straight to her bones. 'ahhh my face is burning up!' Orihime thought, a deep blush flaming her cheeks, intently focused on long rough fingers that moved slightly higher up her thigh. Ichigo slowed then, settling on the shortest roof in the area, 'alright nice and easy. 'Ichigo thought as his hands slowly slid all the way up her legs and slightly onto her bottom. *Good going King! that's what I'm talking about! *.  Ichigo turned around immediately to apologize, "ah, Inoue, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-." he started to stammer, cut off by a giant hollow swinging a tail at him, throwing him off the building. "Kurosaki-Kun!" Orihime called out from the roof top, seeing his orange hair, buried under some ruble on the street below her. 'Damn it, I need to hurry up and get up.' he thought, looking up from the cement of the street, watching as a huge hand reached out to smack Orihime off the roof, "Inoue!" he found new strength in his legs, instinctively flash stepping to catch her before she made contact with the ground. "Inoue?... are you okay?" he took in her face which had closed eyes, her breathing shallow, his eyes looking down at her chest to watch the rise and fall of her chest only to be greeted by a deep bleeding slash, that now dripped down his hands and wrist, he didn't say anything as he exploded in reitsu, his eyes flickering gold. 

Kisuke and Yoruichi's heads snapped up, the air practically tingling with the heavy reitsu, 'What's going on...' Kisuke thought, as he rounded up Tensa, Ururu and Jinta to head to the scene. On the other side of town, Uryuu and Chad swiftly left their homes, running directly to the source. And from the quiet sleeping home, Isshin, Karin, and Yuzu woke up sweating bullets, looking towards the sky from their windows. The sky was covered in a blanket of his feelings, the corners of his eyes being taken over by blackness, he gently laid Orihime on the ground, and charged for the hollow. 'I won't just let her die...' he thought as the hollow came into sights, its large head turned away from him, not noticing his presence until it was too late. "Too slow, GETSUGA TENSHO." Ichigo's anger dissolving hardly as the glistening powder of the hollow disappeared into the sky. He flashed stepped back to where he left Orihime laying, which was now surrounded by a group of people, without a doubt, Chad and Uryuu stared at him from next to Kisuke, Yoruichi and Tensa who kneeled next to Orihime's Unconscious body, a faint glow coming from around her. "So that was it Kurosaki? all that for one hollow?" Uryuu asked slightly annoyed, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "What's it to you Ishida" Ichigo spat back, still overflowing with anger, Chad just watched on in silence, Uryuu's eyes flashed between the fallen healer and the seething soul reaper, "What are you so mad about anyway?" Uryuu asked, testing the waters of his theory. "Well obviously Inoue is injured?!" he spit back, getting more and more annoyed with his four-eyed friend.  "Well, you must have known she was alive if you just left her on the ground!" Uryuu challenged, writing off the soul reapers response as idiotic.  Unable to come up with a response for him, Ichigo turned and started walking towards where Kisuke and Tensa were trying to heal Orihime, "How is she, is she going to be alright?" Ichigo asked, slight panic and worry coloring his tone, "Ah, don't worry Kurosaki-San, Inoue-San will be just fine, but I do recommend she heal in the soul society." Kisuke looked up at Ichigo, eyes concealed under the shade of his hat. "And why would that be?" Ichigo asked more forcefully, knowing the shop keeper was hiding something. "Ahh I just think Inoue-San would benefit more from being there since her soul can heal more quickly!" 'what's this about her soul?' Ichigo didn't go unnoticed to the double meaning behind his words. "Well then, if you'd excuse us, well just deliver her safely to the squad 4 barracks." Kisuke said, lifting Orihime gently from the ground. Before they could stalk off, Ichigo grabbed his arm aggressively, refusing to let go. "You think I'm just going to let you take off with her to the soul society? remember what hap-." Ichigo's angry rant cut short by the Quincy behind him, "why don't you just let them go Kurosaki? they need to hurry up and get Inoue-San to where she can heal." 'Ugh why can't he just mind his business.' Ichigo thought annoyed, "she isn't going anywhere without me." he said in a stern voice, reaching over and taking Orihime from Kisuke's arms. "And whys that?" Uryuu continued to question, the bright light from the forced Sein Kimon casting a slight shadow on Ichigo's face as he turned around to say confidently, "because Inoue is my Girlfriend." Uryuu stood, staring back, relieved the two finally got on with things, Chad smiled a little, staring at Ichigo as well. "Alrighty then Kurosaki-San, you better be on your way." Kisuke called again, holding his cane out from his body. Ichigo turned his head back towards the shop keeper, bringing his face close to his, whispering out in a chilling voice, "If whatever it is you're hiding brings any harm to Inoue, I will kill you. " And with that he ran off into the Sein Kimon, the wooden doors closing behind him before fading into the dimly lit street. 

'SO dramatic!' Kisuke thought, lurking back towards his shop, flipping his fan open over his mouth once he reached its dusty wooden porch. "You're going to have to tell the Kurosaki's soon Kisuke." Yoruichi purred out, from her cat like state. Kisuke just stared up at the crescent moon, keeping the smirk playing on his lips completely behind his fan. 

 Orihime opened heavy eyes, only to see a wooden ceiling. 'Where am I' she thought, sitting up slightly from the futon on the floor, taking in a wooden sliding door that was left cracked, it revealed a bright sky and green waving grass passed the uniformed wooden walkway. She stood up and approached the door, her body clad in a white robe. she heard whisperings at the door, "Well Ichigo, any idea what you're going to wear to my wedding?" Orihime recognized the voice immediately as Renji, not wanting to over-hear the conversation, she went back to lay on her futon. She sat daydreaming about the pretty dusty pink dress and sheer cover her and Rangiku got on their shopping trip, the simple off-white heel to match. 'Kuchiki-San's wedding isn't too far away, I'm so excited for them!' her brain trailed off onto other things, thinking far too ahead into the future, Ichigo holding out a small velvety box, that nestles a shiny white gold band and shimmering diamond. "Oi, Inoue, You're awake." Ichigo called out, sliding the wooden doors shut all the way once he entered. "Aha, yep all awake! the little blue men couldn't keep me asleep any longer." she answered, getting distracted by aliens and tiny people who lived in the walls, swearing they borrowed whatever they wanted, her thoughts only cut off by strong arms wrapping around her. "I'm so happy you're okay Orihime.." Ichigo whispered into her ear, inhaling the smell of her hair deeply, Orihime hugged him back, holding onto him for as long as he held onto her. He pulled back and placed his lips on hers, gently and sweetly. Orihime could feel her lips starting to tingle and she could feel Ichigo's heart beating rapidly between them, it beckoned her to go further, she sat up and deepened the kiss. knotting Ichigo's hair between her fingers and pulling his face to hers, they were cut off by a loud knock at the door, Ichigo practically jumped across the room, covering his lips and blushing slightly.  Orihime stammered and blushed as she hardly choked out, "come in". The pair avoided eye contact with the short Soul reaper, "Well, was I interrupting anything?" Rukia's eyebrows moved up and down suggestively at them. "N-No of course not Kuchiki-San." Orihime said, still slightly embarrassed. *Well, you can say that you annoying little.* Ichigo cleared his throat, cutting Hichigo off, drawing attention to himself. "What was that Ichigo? something to say." Rukia asked teasingly, earning Ichigo's signature scowl. "No Rukia, what are you doing here anyway?" he asked, half-jokingly.  "Oh, someone's mad I intruded on their "Orihime time." Rukia claimed, making that suggestive eyebrow gesture again, "No I just don't want you to annoy me to death." Ichigo said back, cockily, getting a small knee to the crotch, it sent him down to the floor cursing. "Good thing I'm not here for you anyway." she said again, dusting her hands, happy with her work in silencing the orange haired man. "How are you Inoue-San? well rested I hope, you've been out a little over two weeks!" Rukia exclaimed, getting a wide-eyed expression from Orihime.'I was out for over two weeks? that's insane.' Orihime thought cautiously, she felt like she'd only slept a night. "Aha, yes I feel great!" she said, jumping from the futon and pumping her arms. "That's good then Inoue-San, if you're up for it you should come with us, the Womens Soul reaper Association, tonight, at my brother's mansion, were having a little pre-wedding party." "That sounds wonderful Kuchiki-San, I'd love to, I'll just get going to the world of the living, so I can get ready." Orihime responded, standing and walking over to Ichigo so they can prepare to leave. The Sen Kimon opened, and the pair disappeared into the tunnel, finally heading back home, hand in hand. 

 Author's Note: Alright that's chapter 9!, the next chapter will be like a bachelorette party themed chapter, and the long awaited for wedding will be chapter 11. I added a little Secret Life Of Arrietty bit in the story just for fun. To anyone who still is following this story, Thank you so much for your patience and support. I will be updating this story after Make your heart beat whole's next chapter, so keep an eye out, I also have two more, Short, or Long, I haven't decided yet, stories chapter 1's coming soon, if that's anything ya'll are interested in. But thank you for reading, feel free to Dm me or leave a comment about any story ideas.<33 

Don't forget to check out my other works, Strawberry Soda pop, Make your heart beat whole!!

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