Chapter 6

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Orihime still laid tossed in her blankets, pillows strewn on the floor. The sun barley touched her bedroom, she was completely content in her dream. She could sleep forever when she dreamed about Ichigo, usually the wholesome dreams took quite a sexual turn, she was almost gasping at his hands snaking up her legs. 'Kurosaki-kun...' she dreamed heavily, wishing his hands Wouldn't tease the pale flesh of her thighs any longer. She gazed up at him with lust filled eyes. He knew exactly what she wanted, but kept his hands firm on her hips, barley grazing the hem of her panties. 'say my name, Orihime' she blushed crazily at him, his eyes watching every emotion cross her face. She still didn't mumble a word, he leaned down to suckle her earlobe, before whispering in her ear, 'please, Ori-Hi-Me...' he dragged her name out across the side of her throat in the most desirable breaths, she couldn't take it any longer, 'Ichigo-Kun...' she hardly said the words, but he pulled back to grin at her, making his ways up to the panties testing the moist fabric. Ichigo continued to grin as he slid his fingers under the thin cotton. Before Orihime could finally reach her limits, she heard a loud banging at her door. Flushed and embarrassed she came eye to eye with Rangiku, who happily insisted they went shopping right this minute. Toshiro laid back against the guard railing in front of her door more subtly entering her apartment. He simply sat in the floor in front of Orihime's tea table. Rangiku dragged the auburn haired girl to her room and immediately dressed her for the outing. "Don't you think this is a bit revealing Rangiku-San?" Orihime asked eyeing the small pink shorts and v neck white tee she forced her into. "I think it shows just enough" she responded, fixing her own cleavage in Orihime's body mirror attached to the closet door. "I don't know Rangiku-San..." she still said nervously. "You just need a little validation." Rangiku yanked the girl from her room heading straight for the tea table. " Captain!" Rangiku exclaimed excitedly, Toshiro snapped his head up eyeing the ditzy woman. 'what could this moron want' he thought annoyingly. Before Toshiro could question her actions she slung Orihime into his lap. Lost for words all Orihime could do was freeze into place. Toshiro caught by surprise didn't have enough time to react before the busty lieutenant started to speak again. "What do you think of Orihime-Chan's outfit Captain?" she asked now watching with absolute humor. Toshiro glanced at Orihime, still frozen in his lap. He looked over her, seeing her long smooth legs, and bare arms, before trailing his eyes over her small waist that the fitting white shirt clung to. He all but threw her off him when face was but an inch away from her heavying breast, which were hardly contained in her thin top. Orihime came back to life that instant quickly yelling apologies to a very blushing Toshiro, who was now scowling at his subordinate. Rangiku flashed a quick smile to the front window before towing Orihime out the door, Toshiro following behind her.

Ichigo was regretting asking Rangiku of all people for help. He didn't wanna bother Rukia, who had a wedding to plan. He couldn't call Tatsuki who was in America training for her upcoming tournament, the last resort he had was the all too sexual soul reaper.  He told her the plan, to lure Orihime from her house for at least an hour or so which she had no issue complying with, Rangiku loved to shop. He was perched on the roof across the street trying very hard to hide as much of his spiritual pressure as he could, one hand on the giant brown box. 'What the hell is taking them so long to leave..' Ichigo wondered, peaking his head a little to see through Orihime's front window. He could hardly see Orihime pass Rangiku, 'Good they are finally about to leave..' His relief quickly washed away as he watched Rangiku sling Orihime into Toshiros lap. he waited about five seconds for her to quickly jump up from the the floor but, she didn't, He saw as Toshiro glanced over *his* Hime. His anger started to flare, but quickly died when he saw Orihime quickly regain her barring's and start frantically apologizing. 'See she didn't want to stay on his lap' he thought trying to quickly extinguish his unnecessary jealousy. he was still pissed to see The short Captains cheeks were still stained red as Rangiku grinned at him through the window. Ichigo quickly ducked back down as the trio left Orihime's apartment only resurfacing to see the three a long ways down the street. 

Being satisfied with his work, Ichigo sat down near Orihime's tea table, barley being able to contain his smile. 

Orihime, Rangiku and Toshiro carried dozens of pretty pink bags with designer tags sticking from the top of them.  They had been gone about two now and the sun was about to start setting, 'I really slept in late  Today' Orihime thought, harldy being able to repress that wild dream she was having . Her stomach growled loudly, getting head turns from Rangiku and Toshiro. Toshiro was about to offer her a snack before Rangiku smacked him in the head. "Should't we get Orihime-Chan home captain," she said in a sickly sweet tone. Toshiro just rolled his eyes at her, not wanting to play along with Ichigos games. He never understood why humans didn't just get to the point, it was obvious they liked each other. He stopped the thought short though remembering a certain girl in his mind. Rangiku and Toshiro walked Orihime to the steps of her apartment, before opening a senkaimon, "That was fun Orihime-Chan!, we should do that more often." Rangiku waved freely at her, having thrown all her bags on her ever so annoyed captain. "It was good to see you too Rangiku-San, Hitsugaya-Kun". She turned to climb the stairs as the pair faded behind the senkaimon's doors. Once she reached her apartment she unlocked the door, being welcomed by a crazy array of the oddest thing's.  There was five different dozens of donuts, each donut inside a different flavor. There was five boxes of Ice crème, yet again each box containing different flavors. There was an small Astronaut helmet surrounded by small plastic planets, a stack of school books with a grading pen, a bakers cap laid down at the very end. Where she saw five posters of five different places. On the table was a small but delicious arrangement of five dishes, covered in mouth watering food. Orihime couldn't speak as Ichigo came into sight, just staring at Orihime as she take all of it in. She teared up as he walked close enough to place his hand on her cheek, drawing her eyes to meet his. He all but whispered, "And to fall in love with the same person five different times...." He didn't give her the chance to say anything  as he crushed his lips into hers, her response was instant. Closing her eyes as she leaned deeper into his kiss. She knotted her hands into the fabric of his shirt as fresh tears started to escape her thick eyelashes. 'Kurosaki-kun... he heard me that night.' She didn't know if she was embarrassed or not but at this moment she didn't care. Ichigo pulled back and gave her one more simple kiss on her lips before he pulled her into a tight hug. "So I figure you were talking about me, huh Inoue?"  She was blushing now, while trying to catch her breath. He just chuckled when he felt her head slightly nod yes. She finally looked up at him, something different in her eyes. "I love you, Kurosaki-Kun." She said it firm, and clear. It rang like bells in Orihime's Ears. Unable to Contain himself, He picked Orihime up looking directly in the face. "I love you too, Inoue."  He watched the brightest smile light her lips As he stared at the sun who caught his world on fire.

Authors note: Thank you so much for reading chapter 6, Ill try to have chapter 7 out within the next 48 hours as well! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, feel free to comment or PM me if you have any questions,

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