The recording

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{Phoenix Wright}
"I... I got nothing," I said to Miles. We decided to he'd over to his place so we can think of at least something we can do. We were in his office and it was really nice, and neat... Until we trashed it with ideas and plans. "What if we just go up to them and tell them," Miles suggested. I shrugged, "I'm not sure if they even listen to us... Should we just ignore them? I mean it's not like it's true." Miles laughed, "hehe, I feel like so young again, ew I'm not dating him, who would he's so gross." I laugh, "oh my gosh that's disgusting. Me with someone that's so successful in life. Yeah... I don't see it." We both laugh. "Phoenix I'm not always that successful. I'm not Mr.Perfect." I rolled my eyes, "oh please. You live at a nice place, and you also have a good job," Miles ruffly messed up my hair, "Phoenix your also a lawyer." Right... I sighed, "But I don't think this is worth worrying about. Again it's not like we're dating... Hey Miles, this might sound wired but does it feel like we we're you know... Dating? Then we forgot... I'm asking because on the news they showed a picture of us at a carnival and I don't even remember going there with you." Miles thought for a moment, "it could be photo shopped." I shook my head, "it didn't look photo shopped. It looked quite real to me." We were quiet.

"They also brought up, that we were at a restaurant. Which I kinda remember, but it's still a blur." So... "So your telling me, we were dating?" Miles jumped up and backed away blushing, "I... I didn't say that. I was um, just saying I remember that we went to a restaurant and... It could have just been a friend and a friend hanging out at a fancy restaurant..." I shrugged, "hmm yeah, ok. And also. I have something to say. So Franziska... Played a recording of me saying some stuff at the hospital..." Miles looked interested, "and what were you saying?" I immediately look away, not saying anything. Miles pulled out his phone and started tapping intensely. "What... What are you doing?" I asked trying to see what he was up to. "Asking Franziska for the recording of course." Oh no... "Miles no!" I stolen his phone. "Phoenix give it back!" I ran out of office into the hallway. I had a feeling he was chasing me but I didn't stop running. I felt a vibration coming from his phone and I knew what it was. "Phoenix! Give it back!" And I was tackled down. "Miles... Please no. It's embarrassing. And also I don't even remember saying-" Miles took his phone from me and didn't get off. He played the recording and I felt my face turn bright red.

~The recording~
"What do you really like about, Miles hmm? Can you answer that, Mr. Phoenix Wright? Or are you just dating him to have a relationship?" What do I really like about Miles? Miles hopped in the conversation, "Franziska I don't he has to-" I cut him off and started to talk. "There is many things I admire about Miles! He's really nice, caring, intelligent, and well charming! He's the best thing that’s ever happened to me, I also can’t imagine my world without him. So... I don't really like anything about him. I LOVE every single thing, even the small adorable moments that I could never forget about, it makes the icing on the cake perfectly. So I want to make are lives together, a happy story, a happy ending. I want to have a family, and to live together in a nice neighborhood with a nice place! And plus... I know better to never just get a relationship just to have a relationship, it's a foolish thing to ever do. A idiotic thing someone would ever do in there life. I want to make Miles happy. I want to make him smile forever! So Franziska... I hope you are fine with are decision we both made together... It would be nice if you supported us, and if I could have the rights to be in his family." It was quiet for a long moment then you hear Franziska say, "That's exactly what I wanted to hear!"

It was really quiet and awkward between me and Miles. I wanted to die of embarrassment, "Did... You really say that Phoenix?" I wasn't really sure, but I knew it was my voice so I nodded, "That's... Really sweet of you." I could tell he was blushing, "do you think less if me now..." Miles got off me and gave me a hand, "what do you mean, think less? I could never, I care about you Phoenix. I really do." I took his hand and got up, "thanks..." He smiled, "want to find a case to get are minds off things?" I nodded smiling back, "yeah... I really would like that." It took a while for Miles to let go of me, "alright, but I won't be easy on you." Challenge excepted.

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