The final Lock Breaks

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{Phoenix Wright}
We finally finished are food and we realized we only had two tickets left. So we were looking for something to use them on, and Miles brought up, "Hey Pheonix why dont we go on a ride?" I looked away as I gripped on to the panda tightly. "A r-ride? W-what kind?" Miles thought about it, "Well I dont want to go on something thats to fast, since we just ate. So how about the... ferris wheel over there?" The fe-fe-ferris wheel? Oh no... I swallowed hard as Miles grabed my hand to pull me in line. I feel a lot of sweat coming to me the closer we got to the ride. Miles kept staring at me since he thought something might be wrong, "Uh, Pheonix? Are you alright?" N-no! Not at all... but I decided to say nothing as I stared at the wheel of misfortune thats about to come soon.

Then it was finally are turn... And the thing is, they didnt allow my panda to come with me. In case I dropped it. I held on to the railing, like I held on for my life. "Pheonix! Whats the matter? You seem terrified? Wait!" Then the ride started to go up. My life was over... I saw the ground going away every second from me, and I never planed on letting go of the railing. I closed my eyes pretending that this part of my life was just a nightmare of some sort. Then the ride stopped, and it scared me so bad since it was a loud thud and it made it so the cart goes back and forth! "Pheonix... why didnt you just tell me?" I opened my eyes a bit to see that I was holding on to Miles some how. One of my hands held on to the railing, and one arm wrapped around him as he holds me. "I-I didnt want to say anything since you were so(excited)... Im sorry." I feel my self grip harder since I accidentally looked down. "Pheonix, let go of the railing, I got you! Nothing will hurt you, I promess!" I promess... I thought about it and I let go of the railing to quickly hug him. "I-I trust you." I looked up at him, and I saw him smiling at me. "Your not going to fall, Pheonix im here. Just dont think about it, and look at the view." I trust him, I trust him. I look out to the view and it was actually beautiful. The sun was setting and there was a ocean near by. I could feel my self turning red by how romantic this was. "Feel better?" I just nod without saying a word, I could also hear him laugh to him self. Then the ride started to go again, I gripped tighter from the sudden movement as it shaked a bit. But as Miles said he's here, and that nothing will hurt me. I try to sit up straight. So I could see the view while holding on to Miles. And honestly, it wasn't so bad. It was nice of him, a hero saving a friends life even tho it wasn't deadly. I knew that, but I always had that feeling in me that it will break and i'd fall. Then I noticed the final lock break. My curiosity kept getting to me, but maybe i'll ask him later. For now i'll enjoy the ride with my loved one.

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