What happend a week ago

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{Phoenix Wright}
We got off the ferris wheel, happy and safe. I looked back at it as I smile of the moment of the both of us. I felt a light poke on my left cheek, I checked to see who it was, and it was Miles. I looked down to see his hands as he held out my panda plushie. I thanked him as I held it in my arms with a greeting embrace. Miles only gave my panda a look that I couldn't explain to. We started to walk to the exit and we heard screams coming from behind us. We looked back to see if something happend since curiosity. But there was just girls running tords us with papers in hand. "Oh my god its Miles Edgeworth and Pheonix Wright! Can we have a autograph we are huge fans!" We stepped back a bit in the same time by the surprised of the fangirls, here of all places. Me and Miles signed some papers till a officer came along. "Hey pals, you shouldn't be here since your… MR.EDGEWORTH, SIR!? And MR.WRIGHT!? What are you two doing here?" Officer Dick Gumshoe. Of course hes here just the luck we need right now. "Gumshoe can you help us through the crowed of girls?" Edgeworth asked. Gumshoe scratched his head and looked at the pile of fangirls that came over by the second. He gaves us a nod as he started to push the crowed out of the way. Miles grabed on to my arm and lead the way out. I could tell they were taking pictures by the flashes of lights coming from all types of phones. I could see more police officers came and tryed to help out.

Eventually we made it out alive. Avoiding Gumshoe, and thinking about signing all those papers, nah I wouldn't even survived, there looked like there were more then a hundered of them. Which only happend rarely, maybe because Miles is here too. I mean I cant even handle being near him sometimes. I guess I am a fangirl too. I left the thot of it behind and kept walking next to Miles. We just talked about today, about how fun it was, as we got to my place. It was turning dark so it was time for Miles to go home. Miles waved as he gave me a smile and hopped in his car. As I was going to walk away I just rememberd the final lock breaking. I quickly ran to his window side and gave it a couple taps. He then lowerd his window side to look at me confused.

"Miles… May I ask you what happend a week ago? I-If you dont mind. You dont have to tell me, I'll understand." He takes a good look at the car wheel and sighed, "I guess I cant hide it forever, huh... Get in I think this will be a good moment to tell you." I nod as I went around the car to get in. Miles turned on a little light in the car so we could see. I hugged my panda tightly and listen to Miles speak.

{Miles Edgeworth}
What happend a week ago? Hm, I remember asking Iris if she wanted some water so we went to a little bar near by, I put my arm around Iris so I could get her closer to me, I wanted her to only hear me, because I wanted to tell her something I been keeping for a long time. "Iris may I tell you something?" She gave me a worried stare as she answerd me with a "Sure." I wanted to say it plain and simple, so thats what I did. "Iris I understand you have these feelings for Pheonix, but I also feel the same way for him…" Iris was shocked by my words, and well, so was I. I pancked, and my goal was to just get out of there as soon as possible. And tryed to walk away from these Unknown Feelings I had, because I was afraid that if I told you, you would want to stay away from me or something. But I didnt want you thinking that you did something to me that would make me just walk away from you. So I came back. And when I did everything just hit me, I could tell, you loved me too...

"You tell me that you would never get rid of our friendship, when you held me in your arms, I felt safe, giving me a chance for what I did, when you say your happy to be here with me, and when you gave me your trust with your worst fear. We werent always together as kids, till you showed up in court to see me again. You tell me I inspired you as a kid, and you showed me how I should have been many years ago, to Speak for the Truth, and me working with you, steered me to the right path, and the two times you saved me. These were moments I have these four words kept safe for you, and one of those moments is right here, right now, I love you Pheonix!"

{Pheonix Wright}
I had nothing to say. I was really speetchless, taking in every word he just said it made my heart melt by how much he ment this. I smile at him, about to cry with joy. To be honest it was really sweet of him. We were aiming to go for a kiss till I brought up my panda playfully. "Pheonix get that out of the way." He pushed the panda to the side, and he grabed my face with one of his hands, and kissed me, his warm lips against mine once again. I closed my eyes to touch Miles face. We slowly let go to then hear a *tud* outside the car. We both looked to where the noise came from, and it was Maya on the floor. She probably saw us and couldn't handle her ship this much. Oh well, I gave him a fast kiss, and whispered a goodnight, I heard him return the word goodnight as I got out of the car, and went to pick up Maya from the ground, I slowly make my up stairs and pushed the door open with my back. I went to go to her room to gently place her on her bed, I turned off the lights since they were on and I headed to my room. I placed my panda on my desk, next to the little blue head. And turned off my light to go strait to sleep thinking of todays events.

(Hope I did okay with Miles part it took me about 4 trys 😥)

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