Well hello

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I didn't know how to react so I shut the door in his face and ran to Chandlers room.


"Don't Yo me! Go open the door!!!" I whisper frantically.

He looks at me with wide eyes "I heard you open the door..."

I run and jump on top of him and cover his mouth"Shhhh! He'll hear you!"

Chandler nods his head and I'm 100% sure I'm scaring the poop out of him right now but I don't care. He was down there!!!!


Well I don't know.


Who the hell knows.

Do I care?

Of course!

Should I probably stop talking to myself?

Well urmm probably...

I get off of Chandler and push him to the door and then hide in the living room so I would be close enough to hear what they would say but far enough that James wouldn't see me. I hear Chandler open the door.


"Um Hello, is Alexandra here?" I hear James ask

"Yes, but she's currently busy at the moment would you like to wait for her in the living room?"I wanted to smack Chandler what gave him the absurd idea to imvite him into our living room and why was he talking all polite and robotic??

Hmm i should probably hide...

I hear them walking closer to the living room so I run to the hallway on the oppiste side of the door.

Chandler clears his throat, " I'm Chandler by the way."

"I'm James."

You could here a slight accent in James's voice.

"So you're looking for Alexandra?"

James clears his throat"Yeah. I think she opened the door for me but then she shut it in my face..."

"Yup! Sounds like her. How do you know her?"

My heart stopped for a second. I hadn't told anyone about him.

James clears his throat, " You can say we're old friends."

"Hmm I see. Well me and Alex are best friends. We have been ever since we were young " I hear Chandler say

I didn't want to be there, I couldn't think properly so I run up to my room as quietly as I could.

Ahhhh! What do I do?

I should go talk to him.


That sounds good.

I walk out of my room but soon realize I'm in my onesie. Probably not the best thing to wear, but eh!

"That's awesome man we should hang out while you're here then! Let me give you my number!"

What in the world...

I slowly walk in to living room and see Chandler typing in his number in what I'm guessing is James phone.

I stand there for a couple seconds watching the two boys. Hmm interesting.

James glances over in my direction but simply looks away but then he looks over again with his eyes wide and he quickly stands up "Hi Alexandra."

I look at him. He's so different. He's not that little boy anymore "Hi James."

He walks over to me and stands there. Like he couldn't believe his eyes.

I smile at him and give him a hug.

"Group hug!" Chandler says and joins us.

We start to laugh then pull away. I feel the awkwardness starting to set in.

Chandler notices and does that fist handshake guys do with James "Alright man. You've got my number. Just text me whenever you want to hang out. I'll let you two talk." and with that he walks up stairs.

"Does he live here?" James ask

I nod "Mhmm my dad invited him to stay with us. Do you want to go get some ice cream?"

"Sure that'd be great"

"Awesome,we'll go in my car." I start walking out the house with James but I hear a car pulling into the driveway.

Oh no!

I tell James to get in the car and I wait for my dad to get out of his car.

"What's up skillet biscuit?" My dad says as soon as he sees me

I shrug "Not much, I was just heading out."

My dad raises an eyebrow, "who's in the car?"

"A friend" I simply respond

No further questions are asked of my dad he just tells me to drive safe an walks into the house.

I get in the car and smile at James

"Was that your dad?"

I nod, "He's aged well." James says

"He's actually not that old." I mention

We drive to the ice cream shop.The same I've cream shop were Kellin stormed off.

Kellin... I haven't talked to him in a while.

Once we get there we buy are ice cream and sit down.

This is going to be interesting.

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