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Just run, and don't look behind you.

My breathing picks up as my wolf ran through the forest. Trees, bushes, shrubs, plants of all kinds blur past the edges of my vision as I jump and duck under and over branches and fallen logs.

Hurt and grief. Overwhelming amounts of grief.

That was all that passed through my breathless body. My entire life just felt like some massive lie at the moment.

I had no idea what to do or where to go next. Right now, I was just running. Running from everything I knew, because I was that ashamed of what just happened.

My wolf abruptly stumbled over a log it failed to see, and we crashed to the ground, only to roll down a hill, quite painfully, as we hit rocks and twigs jabbed into our pelt.

When my wolf finally stopped rolling, I felt him hide back in my mind, and I reluctantly shifted back to my human body.

Pain overtook my senses, attaches, brushes and cuts were everywhere, tears going down my face, my breathing still labored.

I gasp as a very sharp pain pierced me in between my shoulder and neck. I raise my hand to my mark, realizing what was happening.

It was fading. Meaning my mate is dead. Officially.

I prop myself up on my elbows, and not feeling the energy to get up on my feet, I drag myself to the nearest tree I could see in the dark night. Wincing and groaning in pain, I'm soon able to relax against the giant trunk.

The sharp pain coursed it's way through my body, and I bite my lip to try my best not to scream. That would be a dangerous and stupid move on my part.

I bring my hand up to my now faded mating mark once again, and I squeeze my eyes shut in pain.

Bad idea.

Flashes. Flashes of him. His face in the window of that goddamned abandoned house. His face at the alter, where we exchanged vows. And when I first saw him for the first time. It was all so overwhelming. So incredibly overwhelming, and I had no idea what to do other than to open my eyes and run again.

So I did. I groan, my legs attempting to lock so I can't get up, and I eventually have to hold onto this tree for support. I feel like I'm going to give out at any given moment though, so I reluctantly stayed, awkwardly hugging a tree before making my first few steps again.

Into a new life, away from everyone. Oh how so nice did that sound.

I limped around aimlessly for a few more miles, thinking about what could've been and what could be. The occasional immensely sharp pain of my mark fading, just like my mates spirit.

However, the next time I was cut off, it wasn't by the pain. No. It was by a light. And screeching.

My breath was knocked out of me as a car rammed into my side, sending my face down into the pavement.

Finally, I blacked out.


"Ransom! Get your ass out of bed, or else Sarg will literally murder you." I feel hands roughly shake me awake, and to come back to reality.

Quickly, I fling the thin sheets off of me before tucking them back into the sides of the bed and under the mattress neatly. First thing to always do at Boot Camp- make your bed. It's you accomplishing the first goal of your day.

Next, soft uniform. I hastily grab the camouflage pants and jacket from where I had set it down after I had washed it, and put it on the way that was taught. The military would not let you forget for the rest of the day if something was wrong with your uniform. I slip on socks and my combat boots, tightly lacing them up.

I grab my cap and put it on over my short and mostly buzzed off black hair, which was still an adjustment to get used too. My hair used to be long enough where I could brush it back into a small ponytail (not that I ever did) and now it's like it was never there.

I double check my station area one last time to make sure everything was neat and tidy before standing at the end of my bed in a relaxed stance. We called it parade rest.

Out of the corners of my eyes, I see other people around me slowly get into their spot on time before our Sargent walked in through the doors.

It ended up being the same old shit as always. What the plan was for the day, a few other soldiers suffering consequences for not having their station tidy enough, you get the gist.

I'm just glad I'm out of this hell hole in four days, and I will be able to actually get assigned an area and have a stable place in the Army.

And to see my sister again. I almost smile at the thought, but keep my stone face visible so I wouldn't get in trouble with my Sargent. I absolutely hate it when that happens, because believe me when I tell you, we are yelled at and spit on for making the tiniest of mistakes.

Such as making your bed. Having shoe laces untied, your jacket not properly aligned. Your hair being just a tad too long. You know, the basics.

We eventually were dismissed, and we began to start our day. Luckily it wasn't a PT day as we just hiked ten miles yesterday, so we were indoors taking our classes.

My friend who has shaken me awake this morning caught up with me as I left our sleeping area, and we went to our first shared class together.

He talked a lot. I didn't, but I still enjoyed his company, and I could tell he enjoyed mine.

I looked around outside as it started to get a little chilly, and rain drops slowly started to lightly drizzle over our camp.

"Hurry, lets go inside." My friend, Esteban, suggested. I nodded, and we ran to our classroom that safely resided indoors.


(If you came here from Alpha Moretti, welcome! If you haven't, you're gonna be super confused and I recommend you read it before you read this :)

But if you have, enjoooyyy!!)

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