"Of course." Dean agreed sarcastically. "That all changed though when I came into the picture, right? With me doing all of the heavy lifting, you'll finally get rid of Vassago once and for all."

 "Yes, but I've never lied to you about that or hid my true intentions." Keeper reminded him.

 "No, but I still don't trust you." Dean stated.

 "And I don't trust you." Keeper countered.

 "I guess that makes us even then, huh, asshole?" Dean said bitterly. "Where are Rose and Violet, dammit?" He demanded.

 "Who?" Keeper asked confused.

 "Dammit, Keeper, I will end you!" Dean threatened angrily, as he walked towards him.

 "I honestly have no idea who that is." Keeper said stopping him, as he stood.

 "The mortal children Vassago took, where are they?"

 "Oh, them, is that what they're called? I like insects better." Keeper replied smiling, as he realized who Dean was talking about.

 "Where. Are. They?" Dean demanded again through clenched teeth.

 "The insects are with Vassago; they're both unharmed, alive and will remain that way for now."

 "If you call them that one more time, you bastard, I will rip out your damn tongue and stuff it down your throat!" Dean warned him, as he grabbed Keeper by the front of his shirt and pulled him closer to him.

 "Fine, fine, the mortals are okay and with Vassago. Is that better?" Keeper said unmoved by Dean's anger, as Dean let him go.

 "Swear on your life that they're both alright!"

 "I swear."

 "What is Vassago's plans for them?"

 "For now...nothing."

 "What the hell does that mean?"

 "It means that they're both safe, until you come to the nest."

 "Then what?"

 "Then he plans on making you and your mortals watch as he turns the children into...our kind."

 "I won't let that happen, dammit!" Dean said angrily through clenched teeth.

 "I' am very aware of that, Dean, and that is why I'm going to help you save them." Keeper said smiling.

 "Of course you are." Dean said sarcastically, not believing him.

 "I told you that I want Vassago dead as much as you do, and to do that I need you. Which means I'll do whatever I have to do to make sure that happens."

 "I'm only going to say this one time, Keeper, so listen very, very closely to me." Dean said with no emotion in his voice, their eyes locked. "If anything happens to either of those girls or if you try to betray us in any way, I will kill you. Do you understand?"

 "Of course, Chosen One, besides, if I were going to betray you, I would have done so already wouldn't I?" Keeper lied.

 "What do we do now?" Dean questioned.

 "I don't know yet, Vassago isn't going to make a move on the girls until you attack first, so they'll remain safe and untouched for now."

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