Chapter 9

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A few weeks had gone by and Feng Liang hadn't given up on pursuing Xi'ar, which obviously didn't work as usual. WangChen had gone back to where he had came from, saying that he has some unfinished business to take care of. In the last few days Xiang had enjoyed the presence of WangChen, even if he didn't know him it felt like he had known him for a long time. The day WangChen left, Xiang got a feeling he thought he had forgotten or more specifically had died/vanished inside of him, emptiness and loneliness. 

He slightly brushed it off not thinking too much of it!!

He had buried many of his emotions together with his past life. Each one of those emotions reminded him a detailed moment of his past, he never wanted these feelings back or memories back. If they would only trigger the memories he wish he never had, it would be better if he didn't have them at all. It took a while for them to cool down, he had buried them deep deep down together with the memories, but he would still sometimes be haunted by them in his dreams.


Xiang was strolling around in the town, looking from a boot to the other. His mother was still away at the temple, maybe she was on the road or maybe not. He had nothing to do in the last few days. Except from killing some rats, eating, sleeping and playing the zither he didn't have much to do. He was bored staying home all day long, so Shi accompanied him into the town.

The two men went from a place to another till they realized they were almost out of the town. They were about to turn and go back, but felt a few presence around themselves. Around 100-170 men around them were present in the dark, Shi and Xiang knew what to do,  sometimes Shi would act like a bodyguard for him when outside, especially when his mother wasn't home at all. It was his other duty to protect him from any danger, but in the last months no danger had come across them, so there was no use for him to play double roles or triple roles. The mission itself was from his mother plus him, which Xiang didn't know about, so he (Shi) had a lot of missions to do from two people. 

Shi acted like the bodyguard he was and leveled up his guard for any upcoming danger, in the mean while Xiang acted like a blind defenseless bunny. This would be a great story to tell the person behind it, wonder what kind of expression he would make, when he heard what had happened. It was trilling to think about, it was so thrilling that it made Xiang smile. Shi held Xiang's hand like a butler leading his blind master, and acted out his role, but instead of going back home, Xiang chose to go deeper in the forest. When they knew they were very deep in the forest, they stopped as the movements around them stopped to. The two men turned around with a different aura from the last time, the men up in the woods got startled in the change of aura, but they couldn't go back, they had a mission to do and if they didn't complete it, the price would be greater than their own deaths. 

In a split of seconds about 75 men came in an unbelievable speed. At that moment, in the deep forest, swords and screams full of horror was heard, but nobody knew that, the one passing by the long way to the other side saw only the forest full of greens and life.


In the heart of the forest, two men full of blood on their clothes were standing amongst 100 of dead bodies, no movements were heard, the only thing heard was the drops of blood from the sharp blades. The silent didn't last long, in a split of a second they were surrounded by men in black clothing like the last men. 

"Dammit! That bastard really did go all out" spitted Xiang with disbelief. This was going to troubling. This time it was more men than last time, and the two men had used almost all of their strength. If they would only just get out or escape, then it would be good enough. Once again clashing swords and a few horror screams filled the heart of the forest. In the middle of the battle, Shi was injured heavily and his body was losing strength. He was about to be stabbed from behind while panting on his knee when Xiang shielded him with his bare back, almost making the sword pierce through his body. They couldn't hold out for too long, in that moment Xiang hoped someone would poop un in the air and save their ass, but that wouldn't happen, right? About 100 men surrounding them, the two men were panting heavily with their wounds bleeding heavily. The black clothed men attacked them in one go, and was the moment Xiang thought,

"Am I going to die in his hands...again?" thought Xiang inside his mind watching the assassins attack them, but he didn't die this time. The last thing he sensed was a powerful aura and a blurry figure coming towards him and Shi before he collapsed from the blood loss.

An hour before, in the forest

WangChen POV

I was sitting on a chair in my chamber, when I sensed something or somebody entering the forest, it seems like they crossed the barrier without knowing anything. This forest is where the Shadow Sect is, or where I built it. We're a peaceful but powerful sect, no one dares to mock or lock down on us. My sect don't like to show ourselves to others very much, why is why we're very quit. The royal family knows about this , but even they don't dare to bother or interrupt us!! We're like bunnies who sleeps every time, but when awaken takes another form. Then the LIfe jade placed on my table had a crack...Shi was in danger. Life Jades were rare jade pieces that told whether someone was still alive or dead, if it shattered completely then it meant that the person was dead, but if it started to crack then it meant that the person was in extreme danger. Life Jades were bounded to the person who used it, they were very common among cultivators, but it depends on if you can track down someones location, it isn't easy.

That was when I began to worry, I tried to sense his presence, but it didn't go through. That only meant he was weak at the moment, then I immediately grabbed the life jade. After founding out the location I hurried outside of through the window. He was in the forest, but then I would've sensed him if he was inside, is he really that weak? I trained him myself, and knows his limits as I know mine, shit! Don't you dare die on me, idiot!!! 

When I arrived at the locations, assassins, dead bodies and two figures fighting in the middle. I could recognize the the first figure, Shi, but I couldn't recognize the other figure as he had his back to me. White robe, white hair and a white cloth in the back of the head. It looked like he had taken the attack for Shi, but when he turned around I couldn't believe my eyes.... he wouldn't die here again. He would die with me, side to side, arm to arm when we reach old age, not in his hands again. Deeply in my mind, I found myself killing those rats that bastard had sent. Attacking people who were weaker than him through some damn rats, was he a coward or what, but he's lucky! If he had come then I would split his whole body in small pieces that even a dog wouldn't recognize him, consider yourself lucky. You dare to attack my person, how dare you??

I knew i was losing control thinking about it, but I couldn't help it. I didn't want to see his bloody body again, again, again and again. It had been the same till now, I'm determined that I will protect and make you mine this time. I swear on my life that I will do it this time.

The moment I turned around,  Xiang had collapsed from blood loss, but Shi had some conscious left. I picked them up and went back tot he sect to attend to their wounds. I wonder if he will recognize me when he wakes up?

A/N: I know this chapter has many errors, but for some reasons I don't want to correct them or not, but it would be cool if you stated them out if you come across any of them, or it!!

I hope you enjoy this chapter:)) 


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