Chapter 4

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Time skip ~ three days after

This day was the day the whole village woke up early. It was the latern festival.

In this lifetime Xiang volunteered to play at the theater house every year. It happened at his 17th birthday and the latern festival.

His mother wanted to take him to the theater house to see/hear the other musician playing. But they didn't have enough players and they panicked. So Xiang volunteered, they were lucky because Xiang had his flute in his robe. He played for them and cuz it was the best performance, the manager at the theater asked him if he could volunteer each year. Before he could perform he needed to come over and see if everything was ready. So he did.

Xiang needed to wake up very early because they nearly had enough time. The preparations were half done and they had to check the theater house to see if anything was missing. First they needed to go over to see if everything was good. Xiang summoned Shi to tidy him up and go to the theater. He actually needed to go with his mother, but she was trying to organize everything at the residence. So she didn't have time.

They went to the theater to make sure everything was ready for the day. When they got there, everyone was running to a place to another.

The theater was huge, it had chairs for the audience and the area the musicians would perform at was big.

Everything that needed to be ready in a few hours was half done. They landed a hand and it tok more time then Xiang had anticipated. When they finished they had three hours to get back to the residence and get ready and then come back again. They rushed over to the residence to get ready. Xiang's mother was waiting for them. She took time before deciding the outfit he would wear. Even if Xiang was blind he was ethereal. His beauty sometimes made woman jealous by looking at him.

Finally his mother picked an outfit for him. She helped him dress up and began at his make up. She tidied his face up and they had already used 2,5 hour to get ready. Time was moving to quick and they needed to head over to the theater. They went out of the residence, that's when Shi and his mother looked at each other. The street to the theater was crowded with people, and they didn't have time to delay. Shi tok his masters Zither while Xiang's mother grabbed his hand and led him through the crowd.

They managed to squeeze themselves through the crowd and reached the theater. When they reached the theater they still had 5 minutes before beginning. Xiang asked Shi to get him tea, he liked to wait while sipping on his green tea.

In the meantime......

The crown prince pov

A few days ago I heard some maids in the palace while passing by.

Flashback a few days ago....

I was passing by the study room when I heard some maids talking about something interesting.

"Are you going to the theater to see Master Xiang play this year?" Said one of the maids.
"Of course. I haven't missed his performance each year why do you think I will this year? He's kind, beautiful, takes care of the children and people, and the folks in the town loves and respects him." Said the other maid.
"You sound like his secret admirer! But it's true so why don't we go together then?"
"Sure, then I meet you in front the theater then."

End of the flashback....

Even though Feng Liang was the crown prince and the heir to the throne. He wouldn't get the throne so easily. The king declared the prince who had the most supporter he would get the throne. After he heard the maids talking he planned to befriend/use 'this Master Xiang' and get the villagers support through him since they loved and respected him. That was the plan for now....all he needed was to get the permission to leave the palace from the king.

And to his luck the king agreed, but on one condition. He would take three bodyguards with him. He thought it would attract to much attention so he said one, and that's his personal guard, Lu Fei. The king agreed and cuz Lu Fei was better than the other guards. Sience the town wasn't far he was going to use the carriage to get there. He got to the HuangShan town  but it was too crowded so his carriage stopped halfway.

Feng Liang picked outside the carriage and saw most of the people were headed in one direction. He saw an elder man who passed by his carriage and asked....

Feng Liang, " Excuse me, mister. Where are all the people headed?"

Elder man, " Ahh you must be new in town. We are headed to the theater house, Master Xiang aka The Blind Musician is playing since it's the latern festival."

Feng Liang, "The Blind Musician, haa." Feng liang in a low voice before saying...."I see, thank you." After that the elder man left.

Feng Liang,"Lu Fei, we're going to the theater house."

Lu Fei," Yes master."

Lu Fei and Feng Liang entered the theater house and went to the second floor where he could have a better view. It was packed but Lu Fei threatened one man (the usual, the sword) and he left the seat for his master. Now all he needed was to wait and see this " The blind musician."

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