Chapter 1

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"Pant" "pant" pant "pant" as Zhi Xiang was running in the cold, snowy forest chased by the guards.
"Faster, he mustn't get away. If he does "he" will kill us" said one of the guards.

"Ahhhh" screamed Zhi Xiang in pain while falling on the cold snow. He was shot on his leg, which slowed him down. He saw a tree a few seconds away and crawled there. Before he could even rest for a bit and try to take out the arrow which had gone deep in his leg he was surrounded. It wasn't suprising that the arrow had one of the deadliest poisons. This type of poison spread very fast in your body, it didn't matter where you were shot. The worst was being shot on his chest which would cause the poison to enter his lungs and last his heart which would immediately kill him.

"At least let me meet your master. I know I'm not going to leave here alive, so might as well meet your master. I don't know if I have done something wrong that your master wants me dead".

"You don't deserve to know our master" said one of the guards which was going to kill him with the sword he had in his hands. Before he could do so a strong voice stopped him.

"Stop" said the voice behind the guards. The guards made a path for the man and stood in front of Zhi Xiang. He had a mask on which covered his half face.

"I don't know why you want me dead, but you might as well just let me know your identity before dying" said Xiang while more blood came out of his leg. He had lost a lot of blood and didn't have much time left. But he had enough time to have a little conversation with him.

The man in front of him had a smirk on his face. He stared at Xiang before he took of his mask which revealed his face. It was the crown prince but now the emperor, his beloved Feng Liang. The same Feng Liang he had done everything for, he had loved him, even went to that same palace which was like a war and a cage at the same time just to help him become the emperor. The same Feng Liang which had embraced him in the hard times, supported him and the same person which said he Loved him.

Shocked and confused at the same time Xiang looked at him with no emotion. " Now then can you tell me why" Xiang asked with no feelings in his question. "When something has lost it's value it's meant to be tossed away"? This saying said everything Xiang wanted to know. Now he only had one question left in his head. " Did you have something to do with my family's deaths? Xiang questioned him again, but this time he was cold with his words. His heart hoped he didn't have anything to do with his family, but...he began to lose that little hope he had left when he heard him laughing in amusement.

"You know when someone knows something you don't others to know, what do you do with that person? Yes, darling you dispose them! Said with amusement but with ice cold eyes.

Xiang didn't have heart, feelings and emotions. Everything had been shattered to pieces, there was just one thing left, darkness.

"It was just your mother who knew thou, but it was so easy and fun to kill her that I wasn't satisfied. So in the end I ended up killing everyone with amusement. I lied to you telling you they were killed by assassins".

Xiang snapped, in anger he stood up with the all he got in his legs to stab Feng Liang with the knife he had in his hands. But unfortunately before he reached he had been stabbed by Feng Liang with his sword he used to carry around. He fell on the cold ice snow while Feng Liang stared at him with cold and emotionless eyes.

"I don't recognize this person anymore. I don't know him anymore. He is emotionless. He is a demon/devil, without feelings and the most important, a heart" thought Xiang looking at Feng Liang emotionlessly.

The snow which was white as paper was now red as blood. Xiang's vision began to be blurry. "If there is after life, it would be better if we never meet" Xiang said with a little smile smile. He saw Feng Liang's back leaving while his vision went darker.

His white robe and his beautiful long white hair which was adored by a golden hairpin was now covered in blood.

"Do you want to restart?" said a beautiful maiden voice. "Do you want to protect your loved ones? In exchange I want your beautiful eyes".
Xiang didn't have any strength left in his body to move. But he managed to say a word which was "Yes". That was his final word as his vision was filled with darkness while his body just layed there in the cold ice blood.

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