Chapter 7

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Xiang stood there and a little unnoticeable smile creeped on his smile with the thoughts of 'Let the game begin!'

I wonder what you're gonna do when I crash your schemes? Thought Xiang. Suddenly a little smile creeped on his soft lips. It seemed natural, but it had some mischievousness behind it.

" Excuse me, are you Master Xiang?" started the Crown Prince. He tried to make his voice more confused and curious, but Xiang knew everything behind. It was the same, old, schemious talk.

"...Yes!,....Who are you" asked Xiang back. He didn't want to destroy the fun, he wanted to play along, to.

"I'm new in town here, Li Fang. I've heard you have the most beautiful plum and peach blossom trees in your courtyard, I wanted to ask if you could give me a tour of it?" He didn't sound like he was asking, he sounded more like ordering him. Xiang swore if he heard that line twice he would kill that person immediately. He didn't want to spend any more time with him, he wanted to leave as soon as possible. He gave a very short answer to him,

"....Of course you may, what about two days from now on?" asked Xiang. It wasn't worth his precious time, his only goal in this life was making sure his family was safe.

"Thank you, I guess we met in two days from now on" The crown prince didn't want to wait for two whole days, but he couldn't pressure it. If he wanted the plan to work, he needed to be patient, and it looked like The blind musician was tricked. He turned around and left. Xiang just stood there, when Shi came over to help him go back home.

"Master, who was that person?" asked Shi. He needed to know who he was, but he also knew his master couldn't care less about that person. But what caught Shi's eyes was that the man was too confident and arrogant, he wanted to kill him immediately. If his other Master got to know that his wife was being followed by a dog, he wouldn't be able to control him.

"That person,....He is no one important!" answered Xiang with a gentle smile on his face. After the long day, it was time to go back home. Xiang and Shi walked a little bit slower back since he was finished a little bit earlier than usual. Since it was the latern festival, there were many stalls with snacks, food and activities. Every corner of the town had lights, food and activities. Everything was decorated and you could hear laughter in every corner. It was pleasing to the ears. Shi went to buy his favourite candy, he waited while sitting on a little bench.

"Master, here is your bingtanghulu sticks" Xiang liked them because he loved the sweet and tart taste of them. He was so happy and excited at the same time, he looked like a little child given his favourite candy, the favourite part wasn't wrong though. His right hand had the sticks while the left was being held by Shi, he was glad seeing his master enjoying himself, the whole day he wasn't in his usual mood, so it was kind of relief to have his mood back.

Xiang felt Shi's stare and asked,

"Here, have one. I know you didn't buy anything for yourself" said Xaing. He knew what kind of person Shi was, and luckily Shi accepted the stick. Normally he wouldn't accept anything from him, but today it was an exception. It wouldn't hurt to loosen up a little, right? 

After finishing walking and looking around, they arrived home. 

"Xia'er" said a feminine voice, it only got louder and familiar as the voice got closer.

"Mother, what's wrong?" Asked Xiang when hugging his mother. For some reason she was in a good mood.

"Huan Jun is back! This time he will stay" said his mother in a very happy tone. Her youngest son haven't been home in years as he was in a sect cultivating. He came back after many years, and he came back to stay.

"That cheeky brat is back!" Said Xia'er in a joking voice. This time, Huan Jun knew a little bit to much, but not to much. All he knew was about his abilities, he found out due to an accident.

"Let's go eat, I've prepared you're favourite dish" said his mother leading Xia'er inside.

"Shi, I made some for you guys to. You can go and tell the others to come and eat" said his mother.

"Yes, madame" said Shi as he ran to the others. Madame's food were the best, and he didn't want to miss it.

"Where is he" asked Xia'er. He haven't met his younger brother for a while, he was a little bit excited.

"Gē" said a voice. It was a little bit childish but had strength. The next second Xiang found himself at the floor, hugged by a bear.

"Huan Jun, be careful" his mother scolded. Xiang had sensed him jumping at him, he wanted to dodge it, but it would create suspiciousness. So he played a long.

"Sorry, just happy to see big brother, again!" Said Huan Jun scratching his head in embarrassment.

"This child..." said his mother after breathing a little sigh. Huan Jun helped his brother from the floor and went to the table.

"You've grown, Hua'er" said Xiang after a little chuckle. He hadn't seen him but he realy had grown and stronger to.

"Hehehe" giggled Huang Jun.
The maids came with the food, sat down and began to eat. It was very lively and humorous.

It was getting late and Xia'er was walking to his chamber when he sensed something behind.... he turned around, realising his aura.

"Gē, that's scary, would you mind to stop the needle to, and as usual I can't beat you" said Huan Jun. He had actually lost before Xiang turned around. He had his sword at his forehead, ready to split his head in two. Huan Jun knew his brother was strong, but this was terrifying. It was even more terrifying that he was blind. The needle which was near his neck was worse, it was like air itself but more terrifying. No one could sense his needles, they were scentless and poisonous. You couldn't even feel you're self dead as you already had been dead. It gave you a quick death in a mere seconds, you wouldn't even get the thought that you were poisoned.

"I thought you stopped trying" asked Xiang.

"Hmph, If I can't beat you I won't consider myself strong" answered Huan Jun. His brother was the strongest person he ever fought, if he couldn't beat him, he would still have a long way to go. His master was strong, but Xiang was stronger. Of course no one knew expect from him (and Shi + his men)

"Good night, Hua'er" said Xiang after a little chuckle. He turned around to his chamber and went inside to his bed. He changed his robes and was ready for bed when he suddenly heard some shuffling in the courtyard. He got up and grabbed an extra robe as the night was a little chilly. Barefoot he walked towards his door and confirmed that there were no movements, all that awaited him was the glow of the moonlight. 

He walked out and lightly sniffled the air, discovering a scent of blood. He followed the scent which led him towards the peach blossom tree. Xaing was stunned from the amount of Qi he was perceiving from the unconscious man under the tree.The scent of blood only got stronger, he sensed the man was heavily wounded and needed assistance as he had lost a lot of blood. 

Xiang wasn't some kind of deity to help everyone he came across. He was about to leave, but he wasn't heartless eather. He rubbed his head thinking about the mess he was getting himself in, he turned around and picked the man, and brought him to his chamber. He took his clothes (only the top) and lay him on his bed, and took out medical needles and inserted them on his body, stopping the blood loss. Then he went to another drawer and came with some bandages and some herbs and applied it on his wounds before bandaging them. It was late and the servants were asleep, and Xiang was too lazy to move him to another room, so he let him sleep on his bed. It had enough space for two people. 

After making sure his body was alright and the bleeding had lessen he went to the drawer and fetched a larger duvet. He covered the man from the cold and fell asleep.

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