Chapter 5

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*The theater obove is the one, but the scene and where the audience will be is more larger*


Why am i so anxious, excited and longing to see him. It feels like i have been waiting only for him. My heartbeat is beating faster...what is happening to me. I haven't even met this Master Xiang. Now I'm wondering who he realy is?

Third pov

Lu Fei saw his master acting strange and asked it fe was fine, the prince answered he was fine. Lu Fei blushed it off and went back to watch the players on the theater. It was the last participant before the one and only everyone was waiting for. He finished and the whole theater was quit. It was quiet amazing considering the audience. Lu Fei and the crown prince began to wonder why it was all quiet all of a sudden? Lu Fei noticed his master was also wondering the same, and asked the person who sat beside him for why it was quit?, which turned out a woman with a little child on her lap.

"Why we all are quit? This must be your first time hearing him play! If we're lucky this year maybe he'll sing for us to! His performance is the best ones in this town. All of us want to capture every tune and melody of his performance, thats why its very quiet. I don't think you know what i'm saying! Maybe it's better if you see it for yourself." Answered the woman.

The prince looked at the theater scene and the same person who was introducing the players once again appeared.

"Ladies and gentlemen....the next person is someone who all of you know. He is kind, respectful and the most beautiful person i know. All of you know him, let me welcome you Master Xiang." (I don't know how they introduced people in ancient china so lets go with this).

After saying the introduction all eyes were on the entrance, through the small door. About 1 minute after a figure came through the door. White robe with many different flowers at the end, Long white hair, if you looked at the end you could see a hairtie, almost at the end of the hair. It hlided perfect down on his tall, lean and fragile body. Red kissable lips and the a skin which is paler than paper itself. The crown prince stared at his body...from bittom to the top...he stopped at his face. Such a pity that he's blind!

All eyes were on the blind figure, they didn't see the man who was supporting and guiding him. Hazel eyes and white skin as milk. Why the hell is the servant gorgeous to, that's fucking unfair! The visitors in town couldn't help but curse and compliment them at the same time.

If the man was this gorgeous, now they were thinking of how his mother looked. A child tends to take a lot from his mother abd just couldn't help ask themselves.

Thinking about his mother after Xiang sat down supported by Shi a woman's figure came theough the dior leading to the scene. She had the same face fiteares as the young man, her eyes were a beautiful blooming green color, her skin fair white and her pink plump lips. They looked at what she was holding in her hands and assumed she was Xiang's mother. She went close up to Xiang and placed his guzheng in front if him and gave him a kiss on the forehead and went back with Shi, who supported him.

The whole theather was quiet and waited for Xiang to play. His slender hands began moving and a smile appeared on his face. The tune was very heartbreaking and nobody knew why he smiled while the tune he played had immense sadness within.

His mouth opened up a little bit and began to sing,

我的心 开始想你了

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