Chapter 6

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What was happening to him? Was one of the many questions screwing up his mind.

He was too focused to even see the beauty leaving the stage.

As we leave the bright town of HuangShan. The lights light gets smaller and smaller as we move into a much more dark place. It got more darker as we moved deeper and deeper to just come to face with a red-brown residence. It was beautiful but the darkness got the color to seem darker than it should been. We move in closer, looking through all chambers until we come to a very special one. A tall figure could be detected in the dark room as it sat down at the table. The darkness made sure to not let his body features known. But you could see the muscular parts if you looked very deeply.

Out of nowhere, there stood a man in all black outfit kneeling in front of the unknown man.

The man didn't say anything! It was like he was telling him to just talk and be gone at once. After a little while, it looked like none of them wanted to talk without being ordered to or not.

"What have you found out?" The man's voice was deep and very domineering. It had a powerful strenght as it could just swallow you with it.

"Report! Master, Master Xiang is doing fine. Today he performed at the theater, by playing his guzheng. But it seems someone is keeping an eye on him!" Answered the man in the black outfut.

The man didn't say anything back as he just sat there.

"Master, you've been looking out for him for a long time. When will you take actions?" Said the other man in the black outfit. His voice had worry in it as he asked his master that question.

"I will....but at the right time" answered the man after a while.

"Master, I dont mean to be disrespectful but there's never a good time" answered he back. Its true though! There's never the perfect time in life. You just have to take a chance!

"Shi, when did you get so bold? Is Xiar being too good to you"

"Master, I'm serious! I think its time for you to take action! You got me dressed up as an orphan to just know eveything about him. Me, the greatest Master Shi of the Heavenly sect, as an orphan and I have to call you master?" The chamber was in great silence, just after a moment of thinking did the unknown man speak!

"Fix our meeting!" That was the only thing he said as he told Shi to get out. The man looked outside of his window and the light from his eyes showed great sorrow in them. What did he experience to have so much sorrow? He just stood there and stared at the dull night sky.

"Finally, I will meet you! I swear I won't let you go, this time." It was the last sentence before he began to walk to his bed and sleep as the night had been long.


Xiang was finished performing and was waiting for his mother and Shi to finish helping cleaning up. He sat where he sat before performing, just then did he feel a presence behind him. He wanted to react, but it would cause to much suspiciousness upon him as he knew who's presence it was. And because he was blind! He awaited for the someone to speak first or react first. Neither of them had any reaction so Xiang decided to turn around first, but he needed to show that he hadn't felt his presence. There stood the familiar presence, it was so sickening, but he held himself from scoffing. I won't be fooled this time was his thoughts as he just stood there. The man who stood face to face with was tall, lean in red robes. He was handsome but had arrogance, ambitiousness, and confidence in his eyes. The aura he was giving off was royalty! This was the crown prince, Feng Liang. He was the same old him, schemious than a woman, cruel like the devil himself and arrogant. Xiang didn't why he was in love with this man in his past life time. Did he have some problems with his head, or had he been fed a love potion. Feng Liang looked at the man present in front of him, he was like a walking fairy deity.

As he was examining him he thought he was too soft, like a little naive child who believes in anything his family tells him while using him to their advantage. His eyes shone with ambiton.

He will be too easy to manipulate!

Completely forgetting the weird feelings he had when he met this man for the first time. He only had the feelings of scheming and doing whatever to fool this man before him.

Xiang stood there and a little unnoticeable smile creeped on his smile with the thoughts of Let the game begin!

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