"Hello," One of the judges said, looking at her paper, "You're Silent City, yes?"  She had long, brown hair that was straighted.  Her black dress hugged her figure perfectly, and her make up was perfect.  Leah Cole, of course.  She was one of the head judges.

"Yes," I heard Kyle's voice say.  He sounded happy, out of the corner of my eye I could see him and the rest of the boys jumping up and down, but I stood stalk still.

"What will you be singing?"  Another judge, Ian Martins, asked.  He had salt and pepper, shot hair and was wearing a nice suite.

"Kiss Me, by Ed Sheeran," Scott answered, naming the song of our choice.  People started screaming, my stomach clinched.  Oh sweet baby Jesus, what had I gotten myself into?!

"Alright then, let's hear it,"  Leah said, setting her clip board down.  I eyed the five judges who were about to judge my voice, I felt so sick.  How would I ever sing?  The music started slowly, and I raised the microphone to my lips, letting out a shaky breath.  I started the song.

Settle down with me

Cover me up

Cuddle me in

Lie down with me

Hold me in your arms

My voice sounded so loud over the stadium I flinched.  I closed my eyes, forcing the words out as well as I could.  Looking at the judges faces was impossible for me, so I just looked out at the sea of people, which was a big mistake.

Your heart's against my chest

Lips pressed to my neck

I've fallen for your eyes

But they don't know me yet

And the feeling I forget

I'm in love now

The boys came in at the chorus, singing their harmony parts.  I felt a little better when they were singing with me, I wasn't alone. 

Kiss me like you wanna be loved

Wanna be loved

Wanna be loved

This feels like I've fallen in love

Fallen in love

Fallen in love

When the song finally ended, I let my arm fall limply to my side.  I was still struggling not to pass out, but my vision was starting to fail me.  Oh dear God hopefully this would take long.  We needed four yes's to pass on to the next round.

Cheers went up through the auditorium, they liked us.  I felt a small smile tugging on my lips, maybe this wasn't so bad.

"Well," Leah said, looking behind her, "They all loved you!"  The people shouted louder, and I laughed.  They liked us, I wasn't horrible!  "Let's make this short and sweet.  Robin, what's your vote?"

Robin was another one of the judges.  She tapped her chin in thought, but there was a smile on her face.  "I say yes."  I screamed, glancing at the boys.  They were all yelling as well.

"Thank you so much,"  Andrew gasped, a huge smile on his face.

"Yes," Bill, another judge smiled at us, "Good luck."  We all cheered again, along with our audience.  My heart was beating in over drive.  This was one of the best feelings ever.  It was like a natural high.

"No," Mia said, looking at us.  My heart fell, I felt sick again. "I'm sorry, I don't feel like you have what it takes." Booing filled my ears, but I could hardly see anything.  The dizziness had come back.

"Well, that's surprising," Leah commented, "But I say yes."

"I say yes as well," Ian said, officially putting us through to the next round.  The boys all screamed, running to me and wrapping me in a huge hug.  I forced a smile, pretending to be excited.  On the inside, I was freaking out.  One of the judges said no, that one judge didn't like us.

"Thank you so much!" Kyle yelled before we all ran off stage.  The boys were laughing, high-fiving, and screaming.  We were through to the next round, but that moment Mia said no was still playing through my head.  She said no.

"You did it, baby!" Hope screamed, wrapping me in a hug.

"Yeah," I said weakly, not even hugging her back.  I couldn't, my body wouldn't respond.  Suddenly, I was on the floor.

I couldn't breathe. I literally think my lungs shriveled up to nothing. People were shouting around me, but their cries had been reduced to a hum of chaos in my ears. My heart hammered against my chest in hard, frantic beats. My vision blurred, I could feel my eyes becoming unfocused.

When you experience something like this is it truly and utterly terrifying. You're thinking to yourself, oh God, I might die. Now if that alone isn't enough to strike pure terror into the average human then I don't know what is. I mean, who wants to die at the age of seventeen? Certainly not me, but that was the only thought my mind could process as my body went through the shock. Funny how it could think about death, but couldn't make me remember how to breathe.

There were still things I wanted to do, things I wanted to see. I could't die! This of course did not help my level of panic any. My throat tightened, probably closing it all together. With all the concentration I could muster, I blinked my eyes. That brought me back to reality enough to realize four things.

One, I was laying straight on my back. Two, there was a piercing pain in the back of my skull. Three, my fingers were wrapped so tightly around a cold, medal object I'm surprised the bones were still intact. And forth, there was a familiar face hovering above my body, his eyes shinning with worry.

His blue eyes, which looked terrified, did not help me at all. He looked seriously scared, and I had never seen Kyle scared in my life. Before I could process anything else, my vision blurred again. My lungs started to burn and everything started to spin. No, I definitely did not like this feeling. I wanted to see Kyle's face again!

He always calmed me down, although I'm not sure why. Maybe it was his comforting blue eyes, or his cute blond curls. Or perhaps it was the small dimple that appeared on his right cheek each time he gave me his signature smirk. How many times had I received that smirk in the six months I had known him? Too many to count.

Suddenly, I couldn't hear anything. Nothing at all. It was like everyone in the room died, leaving me the only life source. But that couldn't be true, because I could still see the blurred figures rushing around me, their lips moving frantically. I tried to say something, anything to let them know I was still here, still okay, but I couldn't before everything faded into black.


A/N: Yes, the little part after she fell was from the prologue.  The prologue was actually a look forward, if that makes since. :)

They're through!  But Serenity passed out! D: What's going to happen?!

Song on the side is Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran, listen to it! ------->

Sorry, I didn't have time to edit. :( I apologize for mistakes.

Vote and comment if you liked it, please. :)

Love you guys!

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