the moment

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The moment
You realize you are nothing
You are just a ghost in a world
Full of humans that only care
For themselves

The moment
You realize you are in the wrong
World, wrong time, wrong reality
But we stick through it like tape on a wall
But some times that tape falls off from being old or not enough tape

The moment
You realize no one cares
Only a few people do but...
When you need them the most
They run away
But then come crawling back
Asking for you to take all there sorrow  then just to leave again

The moment
You realize we are in a world full of hate, war, and loneliness
We have no one
Everyone one leaves eventually
Either by death or your being replaced

The moment
Is now the last
Everyone is gone
Everyone now realizes
There always alone and soon be forgotten by everyone
The moment

Short StoriesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ