red wire

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Have you ever been told about a soulmate?
Of how one red wire connected to your pinky connects you to them
Together and you follow it to find them
When I was younger I had a red wire at one point
But it started to crumble and break soon turning into dust
So I went on with life sad and depressed knowing I don't have a soulmate so I was alone
Everyone thought I was a weird
But one day as I was walking to home a red wire appeared on my pinky I was so excited
I followed the wire and found a person with the same wire I ran up to them and hugged them
'Your my soulmate! I found you!' I said
'Yes indeed you have' they said
But after a month of being together
He started to get distant and cold
And my wire was starting to crumble and turn to dust
I soon found out he was cheating on me
That is when my wire shattered again
So I went one again sad and alone only wishing I would find my true soulmate once
Wishing I can be like everyone else

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