the love that never happened

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The love that never happened
But I wish it did
We didn't even say goodbye
To each other
Even though
I loved you
you loved another girl
When I tried getting your attention
You never looked my way
Only her way
When I tried to talk to you
You never talked back
Because she told you to say away from me
'Because I was a monster and I bullied her'
And you listened to her
We never even said goodbye to each other
Because of her
We never kissed
You loved her more
And with me finally gone
And far away from you
What is it like?
How are you doing?
I do remember the good times
We had together
Before she came
We used to always play together
The game was where you were a powerful dragon and I was a powerful wolf so we teamed up to take down enemy's
But then we stoped
because she came along
Took you away
She bullied me for it
You'll never know
You loved her to much to probably believe me
And now...
I'm probably only a memory
In your mind
I do hope we meet up one day
And say "hello again" to each other
But until that day comes
I'll forever have that memory of us before she came along....

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