Never go to deep into the truth

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A man walked into a bunker, a very familiar bunker to him. He used to work at many years ago

A robotic voice started to speak

Evan [redacted]

Age 57

Hight 6"

Welcome back

Playing log from 7-16-15

He looks through the class to see a female lays on the floor in an empty and long abandoned room.
Dust and spider webs surround her.

He looks back to the tablet the robotic voice came from
And it flashes a bright white beginning the video

A female sits in the middle of the room. Brown hair, blue eyes, is very skinny and pale.

The female speaks

Well... I guess this is the end... isn't it..

I know your watching.. your always watching.

Why am I here?


Why won't you answer...?

It's been so long since I've talked to someone..

Please... I want to see my kids and my husband!

The man only stared at the screen saying nothing

C•n y□u he'\ me₩¿ Ho■₩}?



The man stares at the tablet for a second

It can't be her.. please tell me its not whispered to himself as a tear slowly rolls down his face

He looks back to to the window, to see the bones still laying there, but now he knows there his missing wife's, still there covered in dust after years.

It was his fault... it was his project.

If only she wasn't so curious, she would still be here. By his side. Taking care of the children.

She got to close to finding out the truth

And he had to take her out before she did.

It was her fault he whispers

A hand wraps around his neck pulling him away from the dusty window.

After many years of caring that guilt of killing his wife he accepts it....

Only to realize it's not his end

But the beginning of his long torment just like his wife went through...

He went to far into the truth... now it's his turn.

100 years later

A young man walked into the bunker to find a dusty window and a tablet

He wiped the window down

A robotic voice spoke

Issac [redacted] Jr

Grandson of Evan [redacted]

Age 15

Hight 5"6

He looks through the window to see
2 skeletons in a dusty, spider infested and long abandoned room. Laying together as if they were trying to protect each other from something.

Playing log from 3-15-20

A male is sitting in a room

My name is Evan...


I'm sorry....

I miss her so much


I didn't mean to find out the truth!



The screen starts to glitch out



The screen goes black

Was that my grandfather? The boy asks

Yes. says the AI

Don't go to far into the truth...

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