✨"Maybe She Is"✨

Start from the beginning

Logan⭐: Don't accept my brother's offer. He is planning something to hurt you.

I'm sorry but I already did.

Sammy💜: You fool. Why did you?

Uncle want me to.

Sammy💜: Give me a knife. I will kill him.

Please I need your support.

Logan⭐:You always have.

Ok bye. Text you later

I switched off my Mobile and put in charger.

After eating dinner, I jumped on my bed and went to my dreamland.

Next day I went to Damon's company.

"Hello ma'am! I'm Emilia Collins. I'm here for the job of secretary of Mr. Reed", I asked the receptionist. She rudely answered,"Mr. Reed doesn't need a secretary like you. You can go home". I again asked,"Please check carefully. I-". She cut of me,"Didn't you hear me earlier. Then I will tell you for one more time. Get out before I called security".

I turned my head looking for help. I found Damon smirking in a corner. No one noticed him. I was right. Damon was planning something.

'Why don't you leave me alone?'

I heard people gossiping, saying bad things about me which I never did. I looked for Damon but I found him in front of me already. "Miss. Collins you're 5 minutes late. Follow me or you will be fired", ordering me, he walked towards the elevator. 

I started to follow without making any noise.

'Like a lost puppy'

Entering into elevator, I sighed a little but became nervous hearing him again,"You should be punctual. This is my office. There are some rules for you". I lifted my eyes and met with his dark black eyes. " Rule 1: Don't come late. I want you to reach here before me. Rule 2: Leave office after me. Rule 3: Do as I tell you, without any questions or any objection. Rule 4: Any mistake and GOOD BYE TO YOUR JOB. Did I make myself clear?", he asked. I nodded in yes. But I found myself pinned against the wall of elevator. I looked up in confused. "I want words which I didn't hear from you earlier. Did I make myself clear?". I said," Yes sir". He smirked, releasing me and ordered, "Good girl! Now follow me". The elevator door opened. He walked, me following him.

He entered into a room. I followed him too. The room was his office. There was two table.

'Big table is his. The small table is maybe for mine. But it isn't good. I want a office for myself only'

" This is yours ", Damon said pointing at the small table.

'As expected'

I went to sit but he stopped me," Bring my coffee ". I went out and asked a girl,"Do you know where would be the coffee machine?". She informed me the direction. I thanked her and in returned she smiled.

I made coffee for him and gave it to him.

'Cold hearted like him likes Black coffee without sugar. Yuck!!'

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