#2 Non-corrupted!Nightmare x Reader

Start from the beginning

I moved my arm, so that she could rest on my chest and I would be able to wrap my arm around her. She suddenly moved closer to my chest and I tensed up, thinking that I disturbed her. But she just buried her face into my chest and kept sleeping.

I relaxed once more and I caressed het hair. I placed my chin on top of her head and whispered: "I love you (Y/N)."

Then I fell asleep.


◼(Y/N)'s POV◼

OH. MY. GOD!!!

I cannot believe that just happened. I could feel my entire face burning because of what happened earlier.

Nightmare thought that I fell asleep, so I took advantage of that and decicded to rest my head on his shoulder, thinking that he'll just move away or wake me up. But I did not expect him to actually wrap his arms around me and stroke my hair.

My mind literally just went blank. But I do have to admit, this position that we're in felt really nice. I really liked that way he stroked my hair very gently. It makes me feel secure and comfy.

I really wanted to get closer to him, so I thought, 'What the heck? I'm already near his chest, so why not get closer?'

And so I did.

I felt him tense up for a moment. I tensed up a bit too, but luckily it went unoticed. After a while I felt him relax and went back to caressing my hair.

God, I love him so much. I wish that I could tell him that, but I'm too much of a coward to do it. Every time I even think about doing it, my mind would suddenly fill up with ideas on everything that might go wrong.

What if he pushes me away? It might make things awkward between us. What if he just laughs at me? It might ruin our relationship. What if- wait...

I stopped worrying about the consequences of my actions and remembered the position that we're in. He hasn't pushed me away yet, so maybe he does have feelings for me? I mean, just by the way he caressed my hair I could tell that he really cared about me. But he propably just cared about me as a friend. He was just probably being nice, so he didn't pull away.

What if I'm just bothering him? Was I annoying him? He probably thinks that I'm annoying. God, why am I worrying so much? I came here to relax, but ended up stressing myself even more.

Just as I was about to get dragged deeper into my mind, I felt Nightmare shift a bit and felt something on my head. It took a moment for me to realize what it was, but I figured it out that it was Nightmare's chin.

I mentally sighed and told myself to just forget about the current situation for now and just go back to sleep. But before the warm embrace of sleep could fully envelope me, I heard Nightmare whisper something.

Nightmare whispered four words. It was just four words, but it was enough to make my heart swell with joy. He whispered something that I have been waiting my whole life to hear someone say those words to me and I'm glad that it was him who said it.

"I love you (Y/N)."


I woke up to the sound of clicking. I groaned and buried my face deeper into the material that I was resting on. I had no idea what it was, but whatever it is, it was very warm and comfortable.

Sans AU x Reader(Bad Guys)Where stories live. Discover now