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This chapter contains a little gory scene. So reader who hates blood or torture please skip it. Others who are sadist like me enjoy.🤡

"Argh.... that hurts you b*tch."
"Oh, does it? Wonder if this will hurt too!" Y/N said rubbing salt on the palm, the spot she peeled the skin of the leader of the Red Hawks, hopefully the real leader.

After days of tracking, finally Y/N could get hold of the Pierce the leader of Red Hawks. Although Red Hawks' career ended in underground world too soon because of Y/N Pierce had quite the reputation of being cruel and stubborn. He was never to back down even he knew death was ascertain. It might be because of that attitude, he is gonna die young inspite having  the talent to rule the underground world.

"So I heard that you like to torture people just like me? How about we see who is better at torturing? If you scream everytime I do something I will get points and if you don't the point will go to you." Y/N said taking out the hammer from her black box.

"Hah! You think you have what it takes to-
"One point. Wow did not think it will  be that easy."  Y/N said chuckling.

A few minutes later....
Pierce was fully covered in blood with some missing fingers and everytime he screamed he felt like his throat was ripping apart from the amount of pressure on his vocal cords and surrounding muscles.

"You know you gotta stop her V. She will turn into maniac if this goes on." Shell said nudging V who was clearly enjoying the show.
"Just a minute. I have not seen this side of her so pleaseeee." V said giving Shell his box smile. Shell just shook her head giving up.

"Listen so called She-devil, I think I actually like you. You know that V of yours has gotten old and making you do all the dirty stuff. Why not join me and be my queen instead. His era has ended anyway." Peirce managed to say still coughing out blood.

"I am impressed by how cocky you are even in this situation but listen *grabbing his hair* I belong to V while he belongs to me. And the reason I am doing this dirty work is that we rule together and you triggered that side of me that no one should have. Actually you gave me an idea, why don't I cut that tounge and peel off all your skin and see if you can still talk." Y/N said taking out two knives and a peeler.

"Lets get to work then." Y/N said punching stabbing one of the knife at Pierce's hand making him groan, while taking the opportunity to grab his tounge and piercing it with a nail so that it does not slip. (I mean she took his tounge out and pierced it with nail so she can hold the nail so the tounge does not slip. Idk where I am getting at.)

But before anything could proceed Shell pushed V towards Y/N making Y/N fall out of her trance. "What are you doing?" V mouthed to Shell.

"Just do it." Shell said before going out of the room.

"Hey baby boo. Its already time to go pick Krihyung and you gotta clean up too so why don't you let me finish this quickly?" V said taking a galoon of gasoline and splashing it all over Pierce and lighting a match stick while throwing it towards Pierce.

"You f**ker. You will pay for this." Were the last words of Pierce before a loud scream of pure anguish and agony was heard.

"Why did you do that? I was just getting started." Y/N said frowning.
"We have to pick up our son." V said taking Y/N by her waist and making her to walk with him before taking a last look at the still burning dead body.

'Never mess with two things :a wounded lion and a king with a strong queen fighting by his side."

Omg it was such a longggggggg journey to this chapter.
Hope you guys enjoy it.
Shall I end it here because its getting boring to wait right? One last bonus chap and this book will end finally.
I purple you💜

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