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"You can't even track down one person and you call yourself the best!! Its been 2 days already." Y/N yelled at one of her team, expert on tracking and hacking.
"Let them do their work in peace, Y/N. They are trying their best and you too know that." Shell said sipping her coffee because its important.

"Okay I am sorry. I am just upset that because I was being too naive to think that Red Hwak would not have two leaders." Y/N said getting out of the room followed by Shell.

"Its good to know that you realise that you are naive but go home now, I will handle this case until you collect your thoughts." Shell said while waving Y/N a good bye.

Y/N being the naive one went with what Shell said not noticing the smirk Shell had when she said it. Just when Shell thought Y/N was out of the radar she took her phone and made a call.

"Yeah she left just now and might be coming get ready. Don't let me down this time you stupid-good-for-nothing big brother. If you fail again to lift up her mood I am never gonna help you and find Y/N a better man." Shell said to her so called stupid brother V and hanged up before V could even respond.


"I am home!" Y/N announced her arrival and entered the living room.
"Oh you are back! Lets go then." V said while he carried their sleeping son and held Y/N's hand with a goofy smile on his face.

"Go? To where?" She said with a confused expression on her face.
"You will know once we get there."
With that V pulled Y/N, settled Krihyung at the back seat and drove to their destination while Y/N was still processing what happened.

"Appa, are we there?" Asked their little son rubbing his eyes who was still sleepy. "Yes my little Iron man. We have already reached. Infact we are already inside the amusment park." As soon as those words left V's lips Krihyung looked at his father with wide eyes and looked at side only to see his mother in the counter to get the tickets for roller coaster.

"Ommmmaaaaa don't drop me. Drop Appaaaaaa instead."
Krihyung was shouting these while laughing and smiling. He really loved fun rides and he became as gutsy as his uncle Jungkook while spending a lot of time with him.

All three of them were really enjoying and how Y/N wished that the things would never change and always stay like this.

"Omma look appa is still scared." He said while pulling Y/N's cheek. "Leave him baby. He is always acting weird when we are on date too." Y/N said to Krihyung making him confused for a while but then again his face lit up.

"Oh date? Is not date that thing how you guys made me?" For a second Y/N was shocked as hell but when she looked at her son's innocent face she immediately knew who the culprit behind it was.

"Kim Taehyungg!!!!" She shouted at the top of her lungs only to see V trying hard to hold his laughter like crazy.

So yeah thats basically how their day went past like in a flash.

Sorryyyyy everyone for  dying upon you guys. And for this filler chapter.

But I will do well next time.
Hope you enjoy it.

I purple you.💜

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