Chapter 43

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The small sound woke me up. Although my tired eyes refused to open, I could hear faint voices talking. 

"...what will we do?"

My hearing sharpened upon hearing her familiar voice. Someone sighed, and there was a rustle.

"I don't know. I really don't know."

"Will Justin even really be able to help her?"

"It's our best bet for now. Even if she doesn't even seem to remember him, she perks up when she hears his name."

A moment of silence fell.

"Where is he anyways?"

Another sigh. "I don't know. But I'm definitely going to find him tomorrow and drag his ass back here. Once he helps her regain back her memory, I will beat his ass to pulp."

"You couldn't even if you tried..."


"...Sorry guys. I didn't mean to get you guys through so much trouble."

Someone snorted. "Trust me, Sakura's already got us used to trouble. She always gets into it every other day somehow. Besides, I'm sure it was really all just a misunderstanding. Although, I'm not sure why she would be choking herself in her sleep..."

"By the way, have you seen those kidnapping posters around? It's scary."

"Now that you mentioned it, I did. But it was strange. When I approached to look at it, a pair of police popped out of nowhere and snatched the posters right off the wall."

"Maybe those posters were fake? There are pranksters out there who do these things. Besides, it wouldn't make sense for police to take down these posters if it were real."

"I guess..."

"Anyways, we'll expand our searching range today. Yuri, cover up all the way up to the docks. Jake, try asking people around you. I'll search the whole north part of the town."

"Got it."

"You guys be safe. It looks like a storm is coming."

I listened through their whole conversation without moving a muscle. I wished I would already remember who they were. There was always a tugging sensation behind my head that I knew them, but I couldn't discern the hazy faces in my mind before their faces were wiped blank.

"We'll be going first, then. Catherine, watch over her and be safe."

"Yeah, let's hope for the best today."

The sound of shoes hitting the ground sound soon faded off into the distance. I waited for a little longer before opening my eyes and pretending to just wake up.

"Ah, morning. The boys just went out," she smiled at me as I sat up.

"Morning," I responded.

"Let's cover the pillows and blankets and get under cover," she got up. "It looks like it's gonna rain today."

I looked up and understood what she meant. Besides the ominous wind, the sky was filled with angry, large clouds that rumbled overhead.

We had just finished putting the blankets and pillows back against the wall and under the roof, when it started to rain.

"Whew nice timing," she grinned.

Right when those words left her mouth, lightning flashed through the air before thunder struck. The girl shrieked and jumped towards me, clutching my arm. I jumped too, startled by the sudden loud noise. 

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