Chapter 11

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Only a few hours had passed since I had brought back the three boys with me to the hideout. Questions and stares shot at me continuously, but Maida had grabbed me before anybody else could pester me anymore and ordered everyone to back off so that I could rest for the night. Maida gave me a change of clothes and ordered me to stay inside the house or else. I slipped out of my old clothes and into a new and intact black dress. 

I don't know how much time had passed, but I found myself lying flat on the ground, waiting for someone to visit me but so far no one had come—


"Come in," I said, shooting up as soon as I recognized that sound to be the door opening.

A stream of dim light flooded the room as a familiar grey-haired person stuck her head in. "Sorry if I disturbed you," Elder apologized, closing the door behind her gently. "I just wanted to see how you were doing."

She came over and sat in front of me, not showing any intention of speaking. For a few moments, we just sat awkwardly when she broke the silence with a question. "What made you do it?" 

"Do what?" I asked confused.

"Why did you suddenly decide to go on the journey?"

I would be lying if I said I didn't know. From the time after I had talked with Justin, I had finally came to realize that the only one holding me back was myself. Taking a deep breath, I said, " I just...finally came to the consensus that I had to do something. Not only for Mom and May, but for myself as well."

"What about May?" Elder inquired, grabbing out her pipe. "I'm sure you don't want to leave her behind."

I turned my eyes towards Elder. " I'll leave her in your care. You promised right? You promised me you would take care of her."

Elder chuckled. "And so I did." She got up. "You can start out tomorrow. I'll get Maida to pack you some essentials so rest up and say your goodbyes to everyone."

"Thank you," I said gratefully, bowing my head slightly. That visit was much shorter than I anticipated, but I wasn't exactly complaining either.

As Elder headed towards the door, a question suddenly popped into my head. "Wait. I know everyone has their secrets reasons to take on the king...but what's yours?"

She stopped cold and didn't turn around. " son was taken from me by the king. He was taken away as an experiment. An experiment where the king changes humans into demons."

My breath hitched. Humans into demons? What did she mean by that? A new wave of fear crashed within me, but before I opened my mouth to ask her any questions, my eyes locked with hers, and my questions instantly died in my throat. Her eyes were in so much pain and hatred that I had to look away and down at my feet. "I...I'm sorry."

I heard a deep sigh and peeked up. Elder smiled down at me and nodded towards me before opening the door and stepping out.

I stared at the door. She was old, and her legs barely held her up when she walked. If she could, she would race towards the kingdom to retrieve back her son no matter what. She would run until her arms enclosed around her son safely.

Suddenly, I had the desire to see May. I waited for a few moments before jumping out of the futon and cracked open the door. Making sure Maida wasn't nearby, I snuck out of the house and into the house May was still in. Her sleeping face didn't crinkle in distress anymore, and instead she held a peaceful, calming expression like she was having a good dream. I stroked her head and brushed her hair away from her face. Bending down, I kissed her forehead.

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