Chapter 14

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For the first time since I stepped foot into this journey, I was the first one to wake up. The sun had not even risen yet, and the sky was still painted dark blue. I fiddled with my fingers and aimlessly walked around in a few circles, wondering what I should do because I couldn't go back to sleep.

I frowned and stopped walking. If they were asleep, why couldn't I just go by myself and investigate a little before they awoke? But first...

I crept up towards Justin and stole a peek at his face. I was surprised to see how relaxed and innocent he looked; usually, he appeared to want to stab someone with the glare in his eyes. I noticed his brown bangs were swept on to one side of his forehead, and without realizing what I was doing, I reached out to touch his hair. Surprisingly, his hair felt soft and fluffy despite its sharp ice-pick appearance.

I suddenly stopped myself when I realized what I was doing and pinched my cheeks, trying to snap myself out of my daze. Muttering to myself about how I was going crazy, I reached out my hand underneath Justin's cloak and smiled when I found what I was looking for.

Very slowly, I enclosed my hand around the hilt of a dagger on Justin's belt. I closed an eye on a reflex and slid it out very gently. When it was completely out, my mouth dropped open in surprise.

Who knew Justin was such a deep sleeper?

Talking about deep sleepers...

I looked over at Yuri who was drooling out of the corner of his mouth while punching the air, muttering incomprehensible words. He was suppose to take watch of the camp, but I guess he fell asleep.

Scoffing in amusement, I slipped the dagger into my right leather boot and hurried away towards the village. Just when I was about to go down the hill, a hand grabbed my arm and jerked me back.

Adrenaline and fear immediately took over my senses. I opened my mouth to scream, but another hand covered my mouth. I swallowed.

Stay calm, stay calm.

I jerked hard, trying to catch the person by surprise and escape, but the kidnapper was strong. The person suddenly stopped dragging me back when we reached the trees; I took the chance and swung my foot backwards into the culprit's stomach. The person doubled over, but the grip on my arm didn't release me. My eyes widened when I realized it. 

My arm. Not arms. Arm.

And that meant.....I swung my free arm and reached down towards my right boot, grabbing the dagger hidden inside. I flung the sheath off and put the point of my dagger to the hand covering my mouth. When he didn't move, I dug the dagger a little deeper.

The boy let go, and I whirled around, pointing the dagger to my attacker's face.

I paused, completely shocked before shrieking, "What the hell do you think you're doing, Justin!?"

An innocent Justin stood in front of me, rubbing his stomach.

"Ouch," he said. "I didn't expect you to be able to kick so hard."

"You idiot! I could've killed you!" I screeched. "What do you think you're doing?"

"No," he shook his head and stood up. "The question is: What are you doing?"

"You idiotic, stupid, damned, brainless brat—" I kept rambling off angrily.

"Calm down, " he rolled his eyes as he took a step towards me. "Care to tell me where you're going so early in the day?"

"On a walk," I stated firmly.

"You know, you really aren't the best at lying," Justin smirked, taking another step forward.

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