Chapter 56

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No one spoke. 

Justin looked away, and Tristan stared at his feet, but my eyes were on Catherine. She didn't look at me first but seemed to sense that I was staring at her and finally glanced up at me.

She dropped her head and tightly crossed her arms across her shaking shoulders. "I—I was scared. As everyone started sneaking out, I accidentally bumped into a fruit stall. H—he noticed us. Jake and Yuri backed us up to make sure I didn't get taken and..."

Catherine didn't finish her sentence, but it was already very clear about what happened. I suddenly didn't have any strength in my legs and had to use a chair to keep myself up.

Countless questions ran through my head, but I found myself reminiscing what had happened to May and the high possibility  the same would happen to Yuri and Jake. Just thinking about that made my heart stop.

"Let me go in," Gray was cracking his knuckles when I finally pulled my attention back towards the group.

"Are you crazy? Who the hell are you anyways?" asked Tristan.

"Me?" Gray frowned. "Don't worry about me. Your boys are being held captive right now, aren't they?"

"I need to know who you are in order to trust you. You think I'm just gonna let some random stranger save Yuri and Jake?" Tristan bristled.

Gray stuck his tongue out and shook his head sarcastically. Unlike the four of us, Gray seemed perfectly fine and eager to meet Guren. Catherine was staring blankly in space, Tristan kept suspiciously staring and asking Gray questions, and Justin...

I looked around and jumped when I realized he was right behind me. He looked down at me gripping the chair and gave me a reassuring look.

"W—what are we gonna do?" I croaked. "Yuri and Jake...if they get hurt...I'll never forgive myself..."

"Stop," Justin said quietly in a firm voice. "None of this was your fault. Just calm down."

I opened my mouth to reply back when there was a sharp thud. Everyone turned to see Catherine standing next to a fallen chair. She had her hands clenched into shaking fists as she declared, "I can't. I have to go save them!"

With that, Catherine dashed to the door. In a blink of an eye, Tristan reached the door and blocked Catherine's way to the exit. She tried pushing him aside but only succeeded at yanking at his clothes.

"Calm down," Tristan laid a hand on Catherine's shoulder. "Think this through logically. You can't even wield a sword. What are you gonna do when you see Guren and his six feet tall men?"

"I—I—I can—I can—" Catherine gasped wildly, looking around frantically. Suddenly, she fell down on the ground, and her body began to spasm.

"Catherine!" I screamed.

Everyone rushed towards Catherine's side but no one dared to touch her as we were all unsure of what was exactly happening. She was shaking for a few seconds before her body suddenly froze and then relaxed abruptly. Her muscles slacked, and she laid still on the ground.

"Catherine!" Tristan shouted, grabbing her shoulder.

"Back up a second," Gray instructed.

My body obeyed immediately, and I wobbled backwards. Justin caught me before I could go back any further. I shivered and clutched onto Justin's cloak as Gray opened Catherine's eyes and checked her wrist.

A moment of tense silence passed as Gray scrutinized Catherine's condition before letting out a sigh.

"Don't worry about her," Gray scratched the back of his head. "She just had a little seizure."

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