Chapter 4

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"You want me to what?"

We were traveling through the forest the next day; the sun was hot and beating down on my neck mercessily. However, Justin had refused to stop in hopes of getting to our destination before sundown. It was the beginning of summer, and the sun beat down on our necks harshly. 

I panted out ragged breaths as I tugged a tired May along with me. She had been quiet for a long time because she was so winded from traveling up and down the dusty trail.

"Learn swordsmanship," Tristan said, brushing aside leaves that hung in his way.

"No way," I replied, shaking my head vigorously. I easily walked underneath the draping leaves of the trees without having to duck.

"Why not?"

"Why should I? I'll have you guys to protect us. There's no need for me to learn something unnecessary."

"I think it's a good idea," Tristan said. "You never know what could happen."

"No," I opposed.

"Speaking of swordsmanship," Yuri interrupted. "Are you guys going to practice today?"

"Oh," Tristan realized. "Yuri's right. We haven't practiced in a long time." He turned towards Justin who didn't seem like he was listening to our conversation. "You want to stop and practice?"

"You want to stop?" Justin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," I jumped in quickly. "Both me and May are exhausted."

Justin sighed and muttered something unintelligible under his breath. We pulled off the dusty and rocky dirt trail and walked into the forest of trees. As May, Yuri, and I rested our backs against the trunk of trees and welcomed the shade the leaves provided, Justin and Tristan stepped into an opening of trees where they faced each other before drawing their swords.

"You're going down this time," Tristan eagerly said.

Justin just smirked in reply.

"Who usually wins?" I asked Yuri.

"Tristan is talented," Yuri smiled. "But Justin's swordsmanship is extraordinary. He's been practicing since he was practically born."

The two boys lunged at each other at the same time, clashing their swords together. Justin skillfully dodged a slash Tristan aimed at his leg and jumped from behind Tristan, raising his sword above his head. Tristan turned quickly and slammed the side of his dagger, creating a loud bang sound.

"Not bad," Justin remarked, not even breathless as he pushed away and landed lightly on his feet. I found myself unable to look away from Justin. He seemed so free, so light, unlike his usual composed and cold composure.

"Hah! You haven't seen anything yet," Tristan laughed.

Tristan charged at him again and pressed his blade down onto Justin, pressuring him. Justin sensed that he wouldn't be able to sustain the weight and quickly sidestepped out of Tristan's weight, causing Tristan to lose his balance. Tristan stumbled a little but was back on his feet in a flash.

Justin was faster though. He stuck his foot out and swept Tristan off his feet. Without wasting a second, he put his foot onto Tristan's back and stuck the point of his dagger at the back of Tristan's neck.

"Gotcha," Justin smirked.

I realized I had been holding my breath watching them fight and quickly released it. Tristan sighed in defeat as Justin sheathed his dagger back into his cloak.

They went back to their original positions and began battling again. There was something satisfying about the way Justin fought. He seemed so skillful, so smooth. All his steps seemed perfectly planned and light.

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