Chapter 82

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Nan! Nan! Nan, can you hear me?

No response.

I clawed at my eyes, praying that my vision would come back soon when something hard suddenly smacked me in the side of my face, and I was thrown to the side. I gasped, realizing Catherine had escaped from under me and heard the sound of her feet pounding away from me.

"Catherine!" I screamed desperately, my nails digging into the muddy ground. "Catherine, come back!"

I heard Justin's yell, and soon a mixture of the three voices were screaming over each other. 

A deep, dark fear crept into me; I'd never experienced this unknown feeling before. 

The world was black. Pitch black. I couldn't see. 

My breath caught in my throat.

Was I going to be like this forever? Was I going to be blind for the rest of my life? 

I'm scared.

I'm scared.


"Princess, what are you doing?!"

I flinched at the sound of Justin's voice.

"Help me out—hey—!"

Nan! Nan, please, please, please—please help me...HELP ME!

Suddenly, a shock ripped through my head, and I fell to the ground on my side with a resounding cry. Rain pelted on my face as my eyes began to burn like crazy. As soon as the burning began, the feeling of ants crawling up behind my eyelids and their pincers poking my eyeballs started.

If I could've cried, I would've; the feeling was so uncomfortable and painful, I thought I would black out. But then I blinked, and my vision slowly began to come back. I gasped for breath, wondering what had happened, but I was too happy to muse about it.

That happiness was short-lived. Another yell echoed behind me, and I stumbled up to my feet. The three of them had rolled farther away from me, and I could see Justin's shadow trying to separate the two of them.

I ran towards them and tackled Tristan, who was trying to get to Catherine who was pinned down by Justin. As soon as I got him on the ground, I grabbed his arm and snapped his elbow upwards.

A nasty crack echoed through the air, and I looked into Tristan's eyes with bated breath, hoping that would snap him awake like it did for me. But it didn't even faze Tristan. His dull eyes that were wandering around suddenly zeroed in on me and flinched.

I could see my bright red eyes reflect against his and felt my throat dry out; my eyes looked exactly like Nan's except this time, the white part of my eyes had turned black.

"Ugh!" Tristan's cry broke me out of my daze, and I glanced down to see him clutching his hair. He looked as if he was in extreme pain, and for a second, a familiar light entered his eyes. He gasped and suddenly grasped my shoulders, yanking me down till our faces were only inches apart. " have to kill—no—I—"

Though the sound of pounding rain was thunderous, I could hear Catherine's screams pierce the air. At the same time, Tristan began to scream as well and let go of me to tear his hands through his hair. I prepared to use my Guang to snap him unconscious, but a string of fear stopped me.

"Tristan!" I screamed. "What's wrong? Tristan!"

I don't get it. What was going on?

Why were the two of them suddenly screaming about killing? I thought they were being controlled by their muscles so what was this? They were acting like brainwashed zombies—

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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