The final words were barely heard as Bellamy began once again running towards what was once Geo-Sci on the Ark, the others hot on his heels.

Another wave of crippling pain  momentarily stealing her breath away.
Kayleigh didn't know where they were going, couldn't focus enough on the words that were being spoken to her. She could feel vibrations coming from all around, vision changing, everything going from light to dark. The echoing of boots, pounding against metal.

"What the hell happened?" Raven barks out the question as she struggles to keep up with the group.

"Almost there baby," Bell tells Kayleigh, turning down another hall, "I've got you."

"She can't hear you." Asher growls angerily, moving ahead of Bell to get the doors to the clinic open.

Bellamy didn't need Asher to tell him that, he already knew. Knew from the moment he saw her cradled in the other mans arms. Eyes wide, and frantic, black bled into brown, body shaking uncontrollably, Bellamy knew it was more than just the pain she was in.

"She was on the floor, trying to get away." Echo calls out behind the rest, eyes narrowing as she watched Bell lay Kayleigh onto of the bed.

"Trying to get away from what?" Raven asks glaring at the other woman. "You?" She snaps her dislike for Echo lacing her words.

"She was already on the floor?" Harper questions as she moves quickly around Bellamy with a sheet in her hands, as Asher pulls out a knife. "Hey," she snaps at the bigger man, "what are you doing with that?"

Asher didn't bother giving Harper an answer just walked over to Kayleighs side, lifting her shirt up to gain access to her pants. Not hesitating, with a quick long swipe, repeating the action on the other side.

"Everyone out!" Bellamy snarled at the others when he realized what Asher was doing. "Harper, Raven," he says turning his glare away from John, Echo, Cammie and Monty. "You stay."

"Bell, I'm a mechanic, somethings broke I fix it." She says in a rush. "I don't know anything about this-

Fabric ripped apart, Asher swiftly pulled the material away from Kayleigh, uncaring that she was now partially bare to the other in the room.
What held his concern was the streams of black liquid, coating her panties and inner thighs, dripping down her legs.

"Oh my god." Raven breathed out taking in the sight in front of her.

"Fuck." Bellamy cursed when he turned  back around. 

He may have only been a child of seven when he watched his mom struggle to bring his sister into the world. It was something he could never forget. Fear of being caught, fear his mother wouldn't make. Could remember all the traumatizing details of O's birth, but didn't remember there being this much blood.


"I-i don't know what to do." She stammers out as she carefully pulls off the bloodied underwear off of Kayleigh quickly draping the sheet over top of her waist.

True she spent alot of time in medical due to her dad being sick, and again on the ground helping out when there weren't enough hands to help with the others. But this. She shook her head with a wince, when Kayleighs entire body stiffened before letting out another wailing cry.

"Sweetheart, hey," Bell says softly holding her hand with  one of his as the other, gently pushed back wet strands of hair drink her face.

"Bell?" She gasps out, her frantic gaze landing on his as her hand weakly tries to tighten around his. "He's g-going to d-die."

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