#26 Countdown

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"You and I, we aren't his only sons."

"No, but until Yoogeun is old enough, I'd have proven myself. Sign it, Minho, and everything will be over."

Minho took the pen but stopped immediately. "You didn't forget it, right? We will not get Yoogeun involved in our war." Minho reminded his half-brother of the only promise they ever made to each other years ago.

Woobin took a deep breath before answering.

"If I'd have forgotten it, don't you think our little brother would be here today? Instead of Kibum? After all, a child is easier to control."

Nooded, Minho took a moment that ended as he signed the contract. As hard as it was for him to pull the trigger, somehow signing this was harder. Yet, he kept his poker face.

"Satisfied? Now free him," Minho demanded.

"You really disappointed me, you know that?" Woobin sighed. "You were willing to die and now you give up the company so easily. For what? Love? That sickens me. I was hoping you would be weakened but this? You've become so pathetic."

"You're such a shame for our family." Woobin added before pulling out his phone, dialing a number. Next thing Minho knew was his brother leaving the place with a bang... literally. Minho heard the explosion and for the first time this night his hands trembled. He needed to get Taemin out of this building. He needed to do it now.


30 minutes earlier

Key sipped on his coffee, not noticing he had put salt instead of sugar in it. His mind was absent. For the hundred times he checked his smart watch, trying not to make it obvious. Thank God for the technical progress. It would have looked way too suspicious checking his phone every five minutes. To his relief, the call he waited for felt centuries finally came.

"I'm done. Come back," Lay simply announced and that was all Key needed. He knew the other suspected something odd. Surely, they weren't amateurs. Especially when Key suddenly insisted on getting a coffee together and just as sudden, he wanted to get back. Still, he expected Onew to be much angrier as they got back. However, Onew seemed to know what was about to happened as he left the base with Key and Jonghyun. Maybe Key imagined it or maybe Onew accepted their method due to the circumstances. Key might never find out. Anyway, there wasn't any time for discussion nor for a big outburst, since the only thing to do at that moment was to head to the address Lay got. May the information be reliable or not. Yet, what else did they have to lose?

The whole team followed D.O to his car which was parked outside of the campus. They found themselves in a dark and empty alley. The sound of the night rain was all to hear. The second D.O opened his trunk, Key understood why the man parked at a god-knows-where place. The trunk was full of weapons: knives, handguns, machine guns, silencers, even grenades.

"You should leave your duty weapon here. Here, take this," D.O told the detective.

While the others were busy arming themselves, Jonghyun took advantage of the moment.

"Taemin, let's stay here. We'll just be in their way." Jonghyun suggested, pulling on Key's arm.

"Wait, what? I want to help." Key explained, yet Jonghyun didn't even blink.

"I can help," Key argued. He wasn't aware of the reasons for his own resistance. Surely, he wanted to help. But maybe, without knowing it, he wanted Jonghyun to see who he was. He wanted the man he married to accept who he was. And maybe... with a bunch of luck, Jonghyun would still love him for who he really was.

"Look, it's getting too dangerous for you." Jonghyun said.

"You can't be serious. I know how to deal with weapons." Key insisted.

"Of course, you do. I didn't forget," Jonghyun replied, thinking of what just happened barely one hour ago, "But those men won't be amateurs as the other two."

By that Key grabbed a handgun and a silencer. Like a flash he loaded and aimed it at the last lantern on the road. Jonghyun didn't hear the gun but the broken bulb as its light went off.

"Is that good enough for you?" He asked while the others were still shocked by the sudden and yet impressive action.

"I like him," D.O said, causing the other to drop their jaws. That was the first time D.O spoke since they have met. To be honest, Key had thought D.O was mute. Of course, he didn't ask, not wanting to be rude. With D.O's indirect approval, neither Jonghyun nor the others could doubt Key's ability. Thus, Key accompanied the team, causing Jonghyun to have no choice but tagging along for he couldn't imagine himself being safe and sound while his team were out to save an innocent soul.


On their way, Lay called, telling them Minho had gotten a mysterious call that made the gangster boss left on his own, not taking his guards with him. Lay had followed Minho to an abandoned building. The address Lay gave the Team confirmed their information. That was exactly where they were heading to. And for the first time that night, Onew felt a small string of hope. As soon as they arrived and finally reunited with Lay, Xiumin didn't take long to hack the security cameras, allowing the team to have an overview about the whole situation. Right away Onew recognized Woobin and the detective understood the circumstances. This was an issue of the Choi's family and Taemin was unlucky enough to be dragged in.

"We've gotten a problem," Kris tapped on Onew shoulder, pointing at the monitors. Immediately Xiumin zoomed in, revealing what concerned Kris.

"Are those ...?" Onew asked and Kris nodded before the older could finished his question.

"Looks like C4 to me and see the phone? That's pretty much the fuse." Kris explained. Onew's hand ran through his hairs. The older sighed.

"How long do you need to defuse it?"

"I need to take a closer look, but I don't think it would take long. The problem is there is at least six of them," Kris counted with his fingers moving over the display, showing the leader where the bombs were placed.

"Ok, defuse the bombs and join us when you're done. Xiumin and Jonghyun, you both stay here and keep an eye on the guards and cams for us. Lay, Key and I will go to Kibum. Let's bring him home." And with that everyone shouted a clear and loud "Yes" before splitting up again.

Taking advantage of the only minute left before things got serious, Jonghyun grabbed Kibum's hands, leading him to a dark corner, the only place for a bit privacy during the whole scene. And before Key knew it, Jonghyun pulled him in, locking their lips. As a reflect, Key returned the kiss while his lips formed a smile.

"Promise me, you'll be careful," Jonghyun pleaded.

"I promise," replied Key, still not wanting to let go of Jonghyun's hands.

"And you promise me not to go in there. Stay safe." Key said.

"I can't promise that while you're in there and that all because of me," replied Jonghyun.

"What did I do to deserve you?" Key said under his breath. "Still, promise me you'll take care too."

"As you wish," said Jonghyun, pulling Key into a tight hug. Oh, what would he do to stop the time?

Hi guys, I can't believe I have made you wait for so long again. Seems like fate doesn't want me to finish this story ever. Still, I hope you like this chapter. Please leave a comment. Are you guys still there? Doing well? I hope so.

And thank you for all the get well wishes. I have recovered and I am doing well. (Sending you guys hugs and kisses.) AND Merry Xmas 

The Perfect Mistake COMPLETETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon