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A month later

I'm laying in my hotel room after allowing Bella and Bre-Bre to go to the movies. They're with security since we're in a different city for tonight's concert. I think we're in Seattle but I won't know for sure until I ask my Road Manager once we make it to the actual venue. As I relax during my downtime, I'm sort of reflecting on my current relationship with Deon.

You ever feel like you're really not connecting with someone, and you're just with them for the sake of having a relationship? Lately I've been feeling like me and Deon are just going through the notion of being together just because, and I'm not feeling it anymore.

Don't get me wrong, he's super nice, handsome, considerate & funny but there's no spark. It's been almost six months & I just don't think this relationship will be lasting. It's super hard to explain, especially since he's different from the past guys I've been with.  I thought that meeting his family in Chicago during the tour would bring us closer but it didn't.

And just thinking about the family reunion I was supposed to go to makes me also sad because Mathew fell really ill so it never happened. It's like, I get one step closer to meeting my family and it gets pulled away from me.

Right after tonight's concert, the girls and I are flying right back to Atlanta. I would've been made it back but I couldn't cancel all of my shows that happened after Chicago.

Maybe I'm overthinking everything that's been happening the past month, and just need more time to really evaluate my life. With past boyfriends, I over analyzed EVERYTHING. If I'm not feeling you, I felt like there's no need to continue and string you along. And it doesn't help I gotta deal with my family's issues on top of that.

Maybe love isn't meant for me...


"You liked the movie?" I asked Brenecia once we got back inside the SUV from lunch

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"You liked the movie?" I asked Brenecia once we got back inside the SUV from lunch. Julius closed our door and got inside the passenger side before the driver drove us straight to the venue. I had asked Bey if we could just go to the movies but I knew we'd get hungry, so we ate lunch after our movie.

 I had asked Bey if we could just go to the movies but I knew we'd get hungry, so we ate lunch after our movie

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"Yeah it was good. We going to BB now?" She asked me. I nodded my head and let her play on her iPad while we drove. After tonight's show we head straight to Atlanta to see about Mathew, and I'm lowkey dreading this moment.  I don't like people being sick & not feeling their best, regardless of how I may personally feel about them. Plus, I still don't know how my dad's side that well since we never attended the family reunion. Like, we have no clue about our relatives but they obviously know everything about Beyonce and even myself in some kind of way. It's kinda crazy when you think about it. People can know you & form their own opinion of you before you get a chance to connect with them.

It's not fair but life isn't supposed to be fair, I guess.....


Because I'm on a worldwide tour, I decided to use my tour's private plane to get us straight to Atlanta. Not only am I deciding whether or not to breakup with Deon, but I also must figure out what's going on with my Dad.

I just need a peace of mind throughout this whole ordeal. I made sure the girls grabbed everything from the plane before walking down the steps.

"GIRLLLLSSS!" Kelly screamed as she ran to us once we landed on the ground. I laughed at her silliness and hugged her just as tight.

"I missed you!" Bella said to her. She met us in her car & made sure we were good before speeding off. I love that Atlanta is a big city but not too overbearing where I have to have car service. I feel at home when I'm here so it's not as weird for people to spot me every once in a while out here.

This time weren't staying at Kelly's house this time, so she packed a bag to chill with us in our hotel suite during our stay.

"So what are we gonna do today?" Bella asked us from the backseat.

"I'd figure we get something to eat before we go to the hospital. Since Bey got Uncle Matt in a private room, we'll just enter his room without any distractions." Kelly explained to Bella.

"Cool, so is he getting better since the last time I spoke with you??" I asked.

"Girl, the doctor keeps saying his health is touch and go and they really can't give a definite answer." She said. I sighed at her answer and just nodded my head while the girls talked in the backseat.

We made it to the hotel & parked. Kelly, being the bestest cousin ever, already checked us into our suite so all we had to do was walk towards the elevator.

We walked into the suite and it was really beautiful. It only housed three bedrooms so me & Kelly doubled up so that Bella & Bre-Bre could have their own beds.

"So I guess we can unpack & freshen up before we eat & head out?" I said to Kelly & Bella.

"Yep. I'll help the little one get dressed." Bella offered. I thanked her and went to the room to figure out what to wear.

"Are you seriously wearing the same thing I have on?!" Kelly said as she walked in the bedroom. I rolled my eyes.

"Girl it's just the color gray

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"Girl it's just the color gray. You act like I planned it." I replied.

"You stay trynna be like me." Kelly said laughing.

"Shut up! You'll be alright." I said, applying my makeup. It's actually true what she said. Every time we're together, I purposely match just like her just to annoy her. Kelly's like my big sister even though she's only a few months ahead of me.

"Oh Kelly, after the hospital, I gotta talk to you about me and Deon." I said to her. She looked away from the mirror and saw my facial expression.

"Oh Lord, don't tell me you're about to break up with him." I looked at her shocked.

"Why would you even think that?" I said. She just rolled her eyes at me and looked back into the mirror.

"Every time you start a sentence like that with that silly mug on your face, I already know you're about to breakup with somebody. Your face gives it away every-time, but imma let you be great & hear what's going on between y'all later." She said.

I could only laugh because she was spot on about me. As we finished getting dressed, I made sure the girls were good before we headed out.

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