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1 month later, June


"Hey Bey, wait up!" I looked over my shoulder and saw Deon walking my way. I was headed towards my dressing room before the show started. I instantly smiled. You remember Bella's school officer Mr. Cole, right? Well Bella emailed me his resume & I actually looked at it and hired him to be one of the tour's security guards. What I didn't realize is how funny and handsome he is in person. I'm always having a good time around him.

"Hey D. You good?" I asked, giving him a hug.

"Yeah...can't wait for tonight's show. London was crazy last night so I know night number 2 won't disappoint." He said.

"Yeah I know they won't. You liking the tour so far? I mean, I know it's different from worrying about high schoolers all day." I joked.

"Oh yeah. This job is challenging yet so fulfilling and as long as you're protected, I know I'm doing my job." I smirked and nodded my head.

"Well you're doing an amazing job and I'm glad you gave Bella your resume." We both shared a laughed.

"I know you're probably busy and all, you know dominating the world and whatnot, but would you like to go on a lunch date with me tomorrow? I checked your schedule and we're not heading out on the road until later that evening." He asked.

"Sure." I said smiling.

"I mean I'm sure you're busy but I just wanted to ask-" I stopped him from rambling even more.

"Deon I said yes." I said laughing.

"Oh I thought you rejected a brotha at first. Well then it's set. I'll meet you at your room at 11:30 am, Okay?" He said.

"Alright, 11:30 it is." He hugged me again and I finally made it to my dressing room.

"What took you so long?" Bella asked me immediately. I just smiled and ignored her as I took a seat 0n the couch.

"Nunya business. Now have you decided what you wanted to do for your birthday?" I asked. Bella's turning 18 in three days and we'll be in Italy for that day. What she doesn't know is that Niecy, Sanaa and the twins, and Luka will be flying in to surprise her.

"I don't really wanna do anything except for maybe get my nails and feet done." She said.

"Are you sure that's all you want? You can get that done anytime but you'll be in Italy, B." I asked. She sighed and shook her head yes.

"Yeah that's all I want. Anyways, do you think I can skip out on the show for my birthday?" She asked. I scrunched my face.

"Why? You already getting bored with the show?" I asked, slightly offended.

"Girl stop acting offended. I love the show but not having my friends around me on my birthday is gonna make me even more sad. I'm not trying to act ungrateful because I love the traveling and shows, but we never missed each other's birthday since I've lived with Aunt Niecy." She explained.

"I understand but trust me, you'll going to have a great birthday so don't think about who won't be there but just be present in the moment. There's a lot of people who love you on this tour." I said.

"I know. Sorry for acting like this, I know you got tons of stuff to worry about than my birthday woes." She said.

"Bella listen to me real good. You're my responsibility and my sister to top it off, so I wanna know what's bothering you. I don't want you to feel like you can't express yourself no matter how big or small it is. Come to me about anything. Got it?" I said.

"Got it." She replied.

"Good now gimme a hug so I can go out and perform." She got up to hug me.

"I love you okay?" I said.

"Love you too."

****Next Day****

I heard knocking on my door and knew it was probably Deon. I smoothed out my blouse and went to answer.

"Hey Beyonce." Deon greeted me. I opened the door wider for him to come in and gave him a big hug as he kissed my cheek.

"Hi Deon. How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good. You look really nice." He complimented.

"Thank you. Am I dressed okay for the day?" I wore a simple blouse and pair of jeans but I had heels on so I really didn't know what to expect on our day out.

"Yes. We won't do too much walking but do you even own a pair of sneakers." He joked. I laughed.

"I actually do but I'm so used to wearing heels. Where are we going?" I asked.

"Issa surprise." He said.

I playfully rolled my eyes and grabbed my purse and room keys. He opened the door for me and let me walk out first.

We walked towards the elevator and I noticed that Julius wasn't waiting for us.

"Where's Julius?" I said.

"Oh he's waiting in the lobby. Did you want him with us today because you know I'll protect you." I gave him a 'yeah right' look. The elevator dinged and we got on.

"I don't know. Having Julius is like second nature for me." I said.

"Look, I promise you're in good hands today and what if Bella wants to sight see today? She'll need him more than you." Deon said.

He did make a point. Once we got off, I told Julius he could watch over Bella instead of me for the day. He was hesitant but Dean reassured him that I'm in good care. Julius taught Deon everything there is to being security for the tour so I feel safe with Deon just as much as I am with Julius. We'll still be using the driving service, so fans won't see too much of me in these streets.

We talked a bit as we rode to wherever Deon was taking me, and every time I'm around him, I get to know a little bit more about him. He's originally from Chicago and started getting into writing for TV a few years ago. He owns a barbershop in Los Angeles and doesn't have any kids. He does love kids so it wasn't a big stretch for people that know him to become a security guard for schools because he does a little bit of everything.

I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship right now, but I definitely don't wanna friend-zone Deon either. I guess time with tell but I'm enjoying ya getting to know each other. I'm long overdue for some girl talk with Kelly and Michelle, and I can't wait to see them when the U.S. tour starts.

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