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NOTE: You'll definitely have to re-read this story since I left y'all for soooooo long. There really isn't anything I can say about my hiatus aside from the fact that life happened, and I needed to prioritize my responsibilities in a MAJOR way. I hope you enjoy the chapters to come because I really don't like unfinished stories, so this book WILL BE COMPLETED before 2019 is over! I appreciate the readers who've asked about this story being updated throughout the year, and the new ones who stumble across it.


Deon dropped me off home from our date, and I used my key to unlock the door. I opened the door to only hear loud yelling.

"YOU CHEATED! I KNOW YOU DID!" I heard as I walked closer to the living room. I saw Luka holding Sydney back from Bre-Bre. I laughed at the sight.

"What is going on in here?!" I said, coming into the room laughing. Luka is seriously holding back Sydney while Bre-Bre looked unbothered. They all looked at me laughing and just rolled their eyes.

"Come get ya sis because I know she cheated during UNO. I don't know how she did it or when she did it but I just know." Sydney said. I looked at Bre who was just smirking.

"I don't even know why I'm about to entertain you Sydney since you're mad over a SIX YEAR OLD winning a game, but did you cheat Brenecia?" I asked her.

"No! She's just mad she keeps losing." She said. The other kids busted out laughing and Luka finally let Sydney loose. She held her fingers to her eyes towards Bre.

"I'm watching you little girl." She said to her. I shook my head and sat on the couch between Bella & Simone.

"So how was your date?" Bella asked me.

"It was cool, we went to my favorite Mexican restaurant and he told me he wants his family to meet me in Chicago." I said.

"You don't think it's too early for that?" Sydney asked. I shook my head no.

"No, I don't think so. Plus, they know he works with me and see him photographed with me anyways. I'm gonna set up a lunch with his family before the Chicago show." I said.

"Cool. Hopefully they're nice." Bella said. I flipped the channels on the TV after awhile and glanced towards Bre-Bre who was about to fall asleep. The kids were on their phones.

"Bre-Bre you ready for bed?" I asked her. She climbed over Simone on the couch and rested her head in my lap. I smoothed her hair down was she snuggled on me. She didn't even answer me back so I already knew she was sleepy.

"So what did y'all do while I was gone?" I asked no one in particular.

"Um we ate, watched a movie, LukaaskedmetobehisgirlfriendandIsaidyes and then we played UNO until you got here." Bella said all in one breath. I just looked at her confused until it clicked to me what she actually said. I started cheesing and she just put her head into a pillow.

"Awwww Luka and Bella are finally together. About time you asked her Luka, I thought you would never ask." I said laughing.

"What you mean by that?" Luka said.

"Clearly everyone could see that y'all liked each other and once Thing 1 and Thing 2 told me in the group chat you were finally gonna ask her, I was just waiting for the moment." I said nonchalantly.

"Wait, you two are in a group chat with her?" Bella asked the twins.

"Uh yes, you don't always have to be included in stuff and before you get in your feelings we already know you're in a group chat with our mom and your Aunt so don't even try it." Simone said back.

I just laughed. Bella rolled her eyes because she knew she was stuck after that.

"Okay so enough of that. I'm happy for y'all forreal but it's getting late and are y'all spending the night or going home?" I asked.

"We're going home. We have to shop for clothes for our internships in the morning and Luka is our ride." Sydney said.

"You're going shopping with your mom?" I asked the girls.

"Yes and we're having lunch with our Aunt Regina too. Can Bella come with us?" She asked.

"Yeah can I go?" Bella asked me.

"I was actually thinking if we can tag along with y'all cause she needs clothes for her internship too, and I haven't seen Sanaa or Regina in a minute." I said. I was thinking out loud about our possible plans the more I talked it out.

"Okay well I'll let my mom know and I'll text you the time we'll leave so we can all just ride out at our house." Simone said.

"Alright sounds good to me and let her know I'll bring Julius cause you know how it can get." I said. She nodded her head and I assumed she went ahead and texted her mom.

"Y'all gonna leave now or stay for a minute?" I said, standing up as I picked up Bre-Bre into my arms.

"We may watch another movie or something before they leave." Bella said.

"Okay, goodnight and make sure you lock up Bella. And when you three make it home, I want y'all to text me." I said to them.

"Okay. Goodnight." They all said. I walked up the stairs with Bre-Bre and went to her room. She's currently in one of my guest rooms until I have it decorated to her liking. I placed her in the bed and since she was already in her pajamas,I tucked her in and kissed her forehead. I left her bedroom door opened a bit before heading towards my room.

I turned the shower on and placed my hair in a bonnet before picking out my night clothes. I chose a simple pajama shorts set and laid it on my bathroom counter. I brushed my teeth while the shower ran so the water could get hotter. After showering and completing my skin care routine, I laid in bed to check my phone.

It was now midnight and I saw that the kids made it home safely and that Simone said for us to arrive at their house around 11am. I went ahead and texted Julius our plans. I plugged my phone into the charger, said a prayer and went to sleep.

Do y'all still have interest in this story? Are there any unanswered questions you have about any of the characters?

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