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I was sleeping peacefully when I felt hard shaking against my body. Brenecia was fast asleep in my arms since she wanted to spend the night with us after Olive Garden. My Dad thought it was a good idea since we'll have to break it to her that she's going home with us anyways. Plus, her tiny body wouldn't be shaking me like this but I still kept my eyes closed.

"Bey, wake up." I heard as I felt another tug to my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see Kelly looking down at me.

"What Kelly. It's-" I picked up my phone to see it's a little after 7am. "7 in the morning girl, what do you want?!" I groaned against the pillow.

"I just wanted to let you know I'm taking Bella out for breakfast." She said.

"Huh, why?" I asked.

"Because of what I mentioned to you once we got home. I wanna know her feelings about Mathew." She said.

"Oh okay I remember. Tell me all about it later and make sure you get me and Bre some food." I said, closing my eyes in the process. She laughed and I soon heard the door close. Bre snuggled up to me, lightly snoring, as I made my way back into a deep sleep.


Kelly woke me out of my sleep saying she wanted just the two of us to spend some time together before we head back to Los Angeles. I don't know why she couldn't wait until the sun came out but I got up anyways. I showered, brushed my teeth, and threw on a track suit with a pair of PUMA slides.

I hopped inside her car as she drove us to IHOP. We sat down in a booth and because it was 8:15am, there weren't too many people here.

"So what's the real reason you wanted to bring me here?" I asked, sipping my orange juice.

"What, you don't like pancakes?" She joked.

"Forreal Kelly, I could've cooked this myself when I fully woke up." I said.

"Alright. Honestly, I noticed how you were distant with Uncle Matt at dinner last night and I wanted to know what's going on in your head." She said. I didn't even think anyone would pick up on that. I wanted to talk to him as little as possible.

"Um, there really isn't much to say about that. I think it's too late to try to form a relationship with him since he's so sick, you know?" I said.

"I understand that but maybe it wouldn't hurt to talk to him on the phone and stuff so you can get to know him despite him being sickly." She said.

"I don't know Kelly. On one hand, I'm a very understanding person, and I really don't get mad at a lot of things but I don't think I can just act like I have a great relationship with my father." I said.

"I'm not saying to forget all the pain and abandonment you've experienced from him at all. I just want you to know that forgiveness isn't for the other person's benefit, it's for you. Once you let the feelings that don't bring you joy or peace go, you're going to feel like a weight has been lifted that you didn't even know you needed to let go." She said. I took everything she said into consideration as we ate.

"Is that how you felt about your dad? Letting that hurt go?" I asked. She took a minute to think about that question before nodding her head.

"Yeah that is exactly how I felt but it didn't happen overnight. I had intense therapy for a few months about things that have happened to me growing up and I still take therapy for my overall mental health. I forgave my Dad for a lot of the hurt he caused not only to myself but for my Mom too. Even after I knew he wasn't going to build a relationship with me, I still found the beauty in knowing that I did my part and feeling like that gesture was good enough for me." She said.

"I feel like if I go to therapy I'll be crazy since I'm 18 you know? Like why would I need therapy so soon." I said.

"Baby there's no specific age to go to therapy. You got a lot of feelings bottled up and so much has happened in your life in just a short amount of time. It's natural that your emotions are all over the place. One minute your life with your Aunt is one thing, and now you're like an overnight celebrity because of your newfound sister. That's a lot for anyone at any age to deal with so I think counseling will be good for you." She said.

"I didn't even think about it like that. It's like I got so many eyes on me now and lately I don't even want to deal with social media anymore. I'm the most loving person and now I get hate tweets just because." I said.

"Hate tweets? You need Bey to check up on that?" Kelly asked concerned.

"No no...it's not death threats or anything. Just miserable trolls who have nothing much to talk about." I said.

"Oh I get those too but I just limit my comments and if I post something with Bey in a picture or video with me, I just turn the comments off completely. You don't gotta stop living your life just because trolls might come into your timeline." She said. I nodded my head once again because Kelly understood everything I was going through.

Soon, the waitress brought the check and food Kelly ordered for Bey and Bre. Once she got her change back and left a tip, I grabbed the to-go boxes and we walked to the car.

"Do you think Bey will feel some type of way about me going to counseling?" I asked as Kelly drove.

"Honey of course not. It's nothing to be embarrassed about and if anyone tries to make you feel less of a person about that, you tell them to come see me." She said. I laughed at her "gangster" face she tried to pull.

"Thanks Kelly for breakfast and just listening to me." I said once we pulled into her driveway.

"Aw no problem Bella. Anytime you need to talk to me, I'm always here." She said.

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