Film Making Club (17)

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All three of us were shouting at the top of our lungs in this embarrassing situation. I quickly got up and pretended to adjust my clothes, just to avoid the eyes of both the boys.

"Hyung how many times have I told you that this room is sacred, you're not supposed to bring your girlfriends in here, go to your apartment for god's sake!" the other boy shouted at the guy sitting on the couch

"Oh no no, you got it all wrong! I'm not who you think I am. I don't even know this guy" I said while pointing at the guy. "I'm actually here to submit my application form for joining the film making club"

"Oh that's the case, I see. Hi I'm Son Dong Pyo, the Vice President of the club and a third year student studying English.". The boy said smiling innocently and closing the door of the room. "And this is Han Seung Woo, the President of our little club. He's a fourth year student studying History."

"Ah hello, I'm Tyra, a sophomore studying Political Science. Nice to meet you both. And I'm sorry for losing my balance and falling on you, Han Seung Woo Sshi." I said while looking a bit apologetic and awkward

While Seungwoo completely ignored my apology and started fiddling with his phone and glacing at his watch, Dong Pyo took notice of the increasing tensed atmosphere. He broke the silence by telling me to relax and take a seat

"So if you don't mind can we do a really short interview right now? Like for joining the club" Dong Pyo asked me

"Ah yes sure, please go ahead."

"Okay cool! So if you join our club, what role would you like to play?" Dong Pyo asked me. Unlike his cheerful and jolly personality, his expressions were very stern while taking my interview. Also, Seung Woo's presence too was intimidating.

"So if I get the opportunity to join the club, I would like to indulge in script writing and organizing the content of the videos we'll make. I also have experience in script writing as I was a part of the Dramatics club last year and I could -"

"You're selected then. You will officially join the club from next Monday, so see you then. You'll get the further information on our club's group chat, just leave your contact information here" Seung Woo said while cutting me in between and getting up

"I.. I am?" I asked, looking a bit confused

"But Hyung! We haven't even finished her interview or asked her any other questions" Dong Pyo exclaimed

"It's chill, she can take the role of Irene Noona. After Noona graduated two years back, we haven't been able to get a decent scriptwriter anyway. Plus she has experience too, right? Uh the..?" Seung Woo asked me through his expressions

"Dramatics club" I replied

"Yeah yeah, the dramatics club. I'm sure she'll do okay. You'll teach her well Pyo, I have trust in you. Anyway, I got a date and I'm running late. Pyo, explain her the details" Seung Woo said while heading towards the door. Dong Pyo just sighed in defeat

He held the knob and twisted it, but didn't open the door. Rather he turned back and looked at me. "Also Tyra, before leaving, just explain Dong Pyo that it's no where written that making out on the couch is not sacred" he smirked and left the room

I was baffled at his end statement. What a cocky and arrogant guy!

"I'm sorry, he's.. He's like this, don't get weirded out by him" Dong Pyo said while awkwardly laughing and questioning his own words

"Ahh yeah, no problem. So I'll leave and see you on next Monday?" I said

"Yes, see you. Also welcome to our small family. You'll meet the other members on Monday itself. Take care till then" Dong Pyo said

"Um till then?" I said raising my left eye brow

"Lol once you join our club, you'll definitely lose all you're braincells." Dong Pyo laughed but I stood there expressionless

"Ah I am joking! Sorry my sense of humor isn't that great" Dong Pyo said while being clearly embarrassed

"Yeah" I bluntly said under my breath

"Hmm, what did you say, couldn't hear it sorry?" Dong Pyo genuinely asked

"Oh nothing. Well then I'll take my leave, I have a class to attend. See you." I said while quickly leaving the room.

I wonder what's in store for me while being in this club.


Happy Birthday uri leader Han Seung Woo! Thank you blessing us with your existence. We love you so much.
I decided to officially introduce Seung Woo to you all on his birthday. Dong Pyo too officially made his entry in the story in this chapter, did you like their entries? Let me know in the comments below!
Also please click the star button to rate the chapter, thank you and good night.

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