The Odds Are In Our Favour (10)

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During my stay in London, I mostly stayed at home binge watching kdramas. Oh how much I missed them! Mom too took a few days off from work and we caught up on the time we missed.

I didn't get to talk talk to Han Gyul much because of the time difference. But it's alright, I'm finally going back today and will meet him soon!


The 11 hour flight was so long! The moment I landed in South Korea, my phone finally got network and internet connection and started buzzing like crazy. I unlocked my phone and saw that everybody had sent me 'congratulations' messages. Why were they congratulating me?

I had 43 unread messages just from Yohan. Omg, is this boy on crack or what. When I opened them, I got to know that the results for the University Entrance exams were out and I made it to Seoul National University!! Okay, A DREAM COME TRUE

I was overjoyed that I started jumping and shouting at the airport until I realized that everybody's attention was on me and they were silently judging me. Oopsie. But woah, all that hardwork payed off. This is what it feels like to achieve your goal.

I immediately called Han Gyul, he was supposed to pick me up at the airport. He recently got his learners driving license. I continuously called him but he didn't pick up, I wonder what's wrong with him. I waited for him outside the airport for an hour until I decided to take a taxi and head back home.

At this point I was really mad at him. I never asked him to pick me up, it was him who offered to receive me at the airport. He shouldn't just go back on his words. Even if he couldn't come due to any reason, he should at least text me or respond to my calls.

For the time being I decided to go through all my other unread messages. Through them I got to know that Yo Han got into Yong In University with full scholarship for taekwondo, Somi got into Chung Ang University and would be pursuing her dream, music and Han Gyul got into Sungkyunkwan University.

Though Han Gyul didn't get into SNU, I was extremely happy that he got into the next best university and both our campuses would be in Seoul. I was overjoyed by this news. I decided to calm myself and send Han Gyul a text asking him to meet me at Namsam Tower around 7pm

The odds are finally in our favor and I suddenly got the courage to finally ask out Han Gyul. Being a feminist, I don't really believe that it's a guy's job to ask out a girl, so I decided to take initiative. But hahah, I'm freaking out.


Hi guys, long time. So this was mostly a filler chapter but I promise, the next one is going to be very important! Please keep supporting this book. Click the star button to rate it!

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