So, Friends? (3)

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I was startled to see Han Gyul standing behind me. He extended his hand for a handshake and had a warm yet a little awkward smile on his face.

"Omo it's you, Han Gyul sshi." I said while sounding a bit low

"Hahah, I guess you're not happy to see me." He said while withdrawing his hands and putting them in his pockets and glancing out of the window.

Why do I feel so awkward around him? Is it the fact that I never liked him being friends with Yo Han? Han Gyul was a total playboy when we all entered highschool. He was known as the one who played with every girl's feelings. What an asshole. I was constantly scared that Yo Han would become like him, especially after he lost Chaeryeong. But suprisingly, that wasn't the case.

For the past 1 year, Han Gyul gave up his playboy attitude and rather started focusing on his studies and co curricular activities like dancing and singing and also taekwondo; probably why he was elected as the Boy President.

Maybe I was biased to still think badly of him, that's why I could never interact with him properly. But the thought of working with him all year around crossed my mind and I finally decided to completely get rid of his old image that I had in my mind and start afresh.

This time, I smiled and extended my hand forward and said, "It's not like that Lee Han Gyul, I too am looking forward to us working together."

For a moment, I could see that Han Gyul was shocked but then he completed the handshake and let out a small laugh. I could see how relieved he was to hear those words, afterall, it gets very awkward if you are not on good terms with your team mates or partners.

Yo Han and Somi joined in the conversation and we were in general talking about our classes until we heard the announcement on the P.A. system for all council members to assemble in the amphitheater.

And just like that, we went over there together, while taking the effort to get to know each other a little more


Working as the President is tough, you need to keep missing classes and organise events every month, plus anchor for them too. I was lagging a little behind, but guess who had my back? Han Gyul Ah

As time passed, we got to know each other's real selves and I realized that he wasn't the guy I thought him to be. He surely dated a few girls but didn't play around with other girl's feelings, they were all rumours.

In his Junior year he realised that he had to focus on building his career and on his studies, so that he could get into a good college and become a civil servant, like how his parents wanted him to be one, like how he wanted to be one.

"I think you'll understand how I feel Tyra, just like how you were discriminated against during your childhood for being half British and half Korean, my parents and I too had to listen to some really harsh stuff. Society always looked down upon me because I am the adopted son. So what if I don't know who my biological parents are, if they are actually koreans or not or why they abandoned me, I just want the Parents I have now to feel proud of me and never regret their decision to adopt me." Han Gyul said while he got all emotional during our lunch break one day.

It's funny how we relate to each other so much, never in my dreams did I imagine to like being around this guy.


I really didn't lie guys when I said that the updates are going to be fast. Ahaha. I hope you liked this chapter, I tried my best to potray Han Gyul's image that Tyra has in her mind. The next few chapters are mainly going to focus on Tyra's high school life before we coms back to the present.
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