Life Update (8)

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It's been more than a month since Han Gyul and I both confessed our feelings and decided to remain just as friends that like each other.

Yeah we sure didn't give us the tag of dating but we keep having our study dates and lunch break dates which are more than enough for me now.

It's funny how we motivate each other to bring out the best in ourselves and study harder. Suprisingly, we're able to concentrate more when we study together.

Now with the mocks almost here, the Senior Union doesn't really get much work so that we can study. Being in different sections, Han Gyul and I rarely get to meet in school. So now we both travel togther to school. Both of us take the same subway and always meet at connecting station. Even earlier we used to coincidently meet, but now we plan it.

Also, maybe because now I like him, I have finally started noticing how he has a smooth way with words.

The other day while travelling in the subway I commented, "The first snow is so pretty, it makes Seoul 10 times more beautiful."

"It's definitely pretty but the woman sitting beside me is prettier." He said while facing towards me and smiling

Ugh, I think my heart just did 10 backflips and my ears are turning red but I got to keep calm.

"Oh, are you talking about the ahjumma sitting beside you?" I said while smirking

"Omg yes Tyra sshi, how did you know?" He said while pulling my cheeks after which he earned a punch from me and we both ended up laughing.

Even on the text, he can be such a flirt! But honestly, not complaining, totally enjoying it.

Hangyul is the type of person who wakes up early to study while I'm the type of person who stays up and studies till late, so when it's our major studying time, one of us is usually sleeping so in a way, we don't really have each other as a distraction. It's really good how we're able to balance our studies.

People, including Yohan, Somi and Seung Youn started asking us if we're dating but we still tell them that we're just friends. It's weird how we're not just friends but at the same time we're not dating as well. But for the moment, whatever we are, we are perfect.


Mocks happened quickly and finals too, even though they took two whole months. These two months, I went off all social media except my messenger and focused fully on my studies. Han Gyul too did the same. We did speak to each other on the text but for barely 10 minutes everyday and motivated each other to study more.

I texted Yoh and Somi too everyday too, to keep my best friends' spirits high.

These two months were really stressful, they were filled with sleepless nights, studying all the time and stress eating. Thank god I was able to survive these two torturous months.

But still, it is a weird feeling how we all are done with our exams and studies and are free in our lives now.

Is it finally time for Han Gyul and I to date?


Hi guys I'm back with another chapter. This chapter is basically the last chapter of Tyra in school. It moves in a fast pace but shows you how her life has been in 3 months. Hope you liked it. Do you think it is finally the right time for Han Gyul and Tyra to date? Let me know in the comments.
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