Is He Ignoring Me? (5)

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"Stop annoying my girlfriend with your questions Yo Han."

Both Yohan and I were shocked to see Han Gyul. Moreover, I was confused and Yo Han stared at me blankly.

"What are you saying Han-"

"Oh come on Tyra, you are my girlfriend. A friend who is a girl? Girl Friend." Han Gyul said with a playful smile on his face.

It took me a moment to understand what exactly he said and then I sighed out of relief.

"For a second you scared me Han Gyul. Like really! Anyway, see Yo Han, even Han Gyul just confirmed to you that none of us have any sort of feelings for each other and we're just good friends! Stop imagining stuff already!"

Yo Han scoffed and went downstairs as it was time for class. Then I looked at Han Gyul, he had a weird expression on his face, like for sure he was smiling but his eyes looked sad. I wonder what happened. I tried asking him but before I could he interrupted me.

"Tyra, finally I can attend today's important lecture ahah. I really have to go as I have a test at the end of this week. See you later bye!"

And he quickly went away.

That's probably the shortest conversation we have ever had and why did it feel awkward? What's gotten into him.


It's been a week since then and I have started feeling that Han Gyul is sort of avoiding me. I mean I guess.

I tried texting him but all he did was reply with just an emoji, definitely not the way a person who uses proper language and punctuation in text. Or wait, am I over thinking?

I rarely see him at school these days, and if I do, he would just tell me that he's busy with something or the other.

The other day, when his test ended, I asked him if he wanted to hang out. He denied and said that he had plans to study but he ended up meeting with his other friends. What's gotten into him?

Ugh, this is frustrating. Did I do something wrong? Time to introspect maybe.

We were having our Economics lecture in class but I couldn't pay attention to anything that was going around, my mind was flooded with these thoughts.

Somi looked at my tensed expression with concern in her eyes. After class, she pulled me to the side of the classroom.

"Tyra, is there something bothering you? You don't look so well. You know I'll always be there to listen to you and help you out."

I let out a sigh and explained the whole situation to Somi. She listened carefully and suggested me to talk to Seung Youn since he knows Han Gyul the best. Wait, why didn't I think of that before?

Yes I do hang out with Seung Youn, but only when Han Gyul is there. I have never hung out with him alone, probably why it didn't strike my mind.

I immediately texted Seung Youn and asked him if he was free to grab a coffee after school. I hope I'm able to get the answers to why Han Gyul suddenly changed his attitude towards me.


Hola guys! I updated again today. Though it's not much of an interesting chapter I believe but it's important. Why do you think Han Gyul is ignoring Tyra? Let me know in the comments below!
Also please rate if you're enjoying the book so far. I'll try my best to update a new chapter tomorrow. Till then, bye!

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