Confronting Own Feelings (6)

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"So finally Park Tyra had the courage to ask me out on a date" Seung Youn said while sipping his coffee and smiling mischievously

"Aigoo Seung Youn, you're always in the mood to joke right?" I said while fiddling with my phone.

Seung Youn realised that I wasn't in the mood to play around. He kept his coffee mug on the table and let out a sigh

"It's about him, right?"


"Han Gyul"

"Wait, how did you know?" Is it that obvious that I really miss him?

"It's written all over your face Tyra. Plus you never text or hang out with me without Han Gyul. The moment I received your text, I knew that it was going to be about him." he smiled bitterly

What he said was so true, Han Gyul was always there when I met Seung Youn. I felt bad for not treating Seung Youn properly, like a friend. How horrible of a person can you become Tyra? Did I really not care about anything else in this world except Han Gyul?

My thoughts were interrupted by Seung Youn's fake coughing intended to snap me out of my thoughts.

"Anyway Tyra, all I want to say is go home and think about what's actually going on between you both, think about your feelings too you know. It's very clear that you miss him."

That's all Seung Youn said before getting up and leaving the cafe. He didn't listen to my questions or answer why Han Gyul was ignoring me. Rather he told me to look into my own feelings. Did he indirectly tell me that I like him?

What's with everyone assuming that I have feelings for Han Gyul. First Yo Han, and now Seung Youn. I have a hunch that Somi too feels the same too. Why? Do I really like him?

I kept thinking the same thing all day and I finally decided to confront Han Gyul the next day.


I decided to go to school a little earlier than usual because I had some forms to sort and didn't want to miss my lectures as mocks are coming closer.

I was about to open the student council room with my key but then I realized that it was already open. I slowly entered the room and saw that Han Gyul was sleeping. His hands were clutching several papers, probably he slept while arranging the forms.

I quietly took the papers and started arranging them. He looked so peaceful while sleeping. My heart felt peaceful while looking at him. This face, this man, I have missed him so much.

Before I knew it, a tear escaped from my eyes. I tried wiping it but only to end up crying more.

Why did my heart hurt not being around this guy? Why is it beating so fast now that he's finally in front of me? Why do I feel relieved now that I can properly see him even though he's sleeping? Is it because I like him?

"Yes, I like him"

By mistake I said that aloud. I hurriedly covered my mouth and was about to get up and leave the room before I heard him speak in his sleepy voice

"Who do you like Tyra?"


Hey guys! It's fun updating daily ahah. I hope you're liking the story. Did you like the way Tyra finally realized her own feelings? Let me know in the comments below!
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