Understanding Priorities (7)

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"Who do you like Tyra?"

I froze when I heard Han Gyul ask me that question.

"Certainly not you Han Gyul. Why would I like the guy who keeps ignoring me everyday. Why would I like the guy who turns back or changes his path whenever he sees me. Why would I like the guy who keeps me hanging on text." I didn't notice when I started crying more while speaking.

"Why would I like the guy who suddenly stops joking around with me. Why would I like the guy who doesn't talk to me. Why would I like the guy who makes my heart ache like this. Why would I like the guy -"

I was abruptly cut off by Han Gyul's hug. He held me tight which was quite comforting but at the same time I wanted to punch him in the face. His hug only made me cry more and he gently patted my back.

"I'm sorry Tyra, if I stayed near you, I wouldn't have been able to stop my feelings for you. I never intended to like you, I don't know what happened but the comfort level I have with you, I don't find it any where else"

"Why.. Why do you need to shut out your feelings for me?" I said while finally breaking the hug

"Isn't it you who said that we're just friends?"

"Oh god please not because of that. Yes, I sure did they say that before realizing my own feelings Han Gyul. But now, I finally know that I like you."

He took my hand and gently stroke it. He had a relieved expression but still I felt that something was bothering him. I asked "Wae? Have your feelings for me changed already?"

"No no, it's definitely not like that. It's just Tyra, I can't date you. Before you say anything just hear me out. I too like you but at this moment I really can't date you, or anyone as a matter of fact. You know that mocks are starting soon and in 3 months, we have our finals as well as college entrace exams. I know that dating can be a distraction that's why I really can't afford it at this moment. I really need to study and get into Seoul National University no matter what. Please don't get mad and try to see my point."

I did want to date Han Gyul but what he said was so important. No matter what, at this point it's important for us to shape our career. We don't have the time to date right now.

"Ah, I guess I fell for you because you have an aim. These days, it's tough to find guys who really care about studying and their future."

"Tyra I'm so-"

"Han Gyul, it's perfectly fine with me if we don't date."


"Yes, just like you, even I need to focus on these finals and college entrance examinations. Studies are my priority too, so I do get where you're coming from. I'm happy as long as I like you and you like me back."

Han Gyul was taken aback but then he finally spoke

"You really have no idea how happy this makes me Tyra. Your understanding nature is probably why I fell for you" Han Gyul said while smiling happily

His expression was too cute, I couldn't control my laughter

"Han Gyul, you're so whipped for me" I tried to joke around and lighten the mood

"Huh, says the one that confessed first" he said while smirking



Hi guys! First of all, I'm so sorry for not being able to update yesterday, I was very tired. Anyway, I hope you like the confession scene. It's not all fairy like but as I said before, my fan fiction will be less cringey and more of how things happen in reality. Hope you're enjoying the book. Let me know in the comments. Also, please click the star button and rate my book!

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