Chapter 6

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Another reporter stood up and asked "Mr. Park..., Do you still love Amelia..?" Amelia mentally rolled her eyes as she spoke "that's not a relev-" but she got cut off with Jimin speaking.."I do.."

'what the actual fuck Jimin?!' Amelia thought as she visibly gasped along with all the reporters in the room...

Jimin chuckled at their reactions "what I meant is..that i do love Amelia still..., but I love my girlfriend Addison more and that's the reason why I am not with Amelia but her.." he said as he felt his throat dry..for the lies he just said...and Amelia swore that her heart slightly clenched at that...but she shrugged it off..

While Amelia desperately wanted to disappear into this air..., Tension was filled in Jungkook's cabin...with Taehyung's presence..

Not the kind of tension that you all are thinking..., You all nasties need holy water..

But seriously, Taehyung was being worried sick about Menesmay...., Jungkook caressed his boyfriend..., desperately trying to calm him down..but to no wasn't working..

Taehyung kept calling Menesmay over and over again to hear "the number you have been trying to reach is currently switched off, please try again later"..., Taehyung groaned in annoyance but he couldn't throw away his phone cause he wasn't rich like those typical actors on TV...

"Tatae Baby..." Jungkook cooed..but his heart clenched as Taehyung looked really sad when he finally looked into Jungkook's eyes...and not knowing what else to do.., he engulfed Taehyung in a hug "everything will be okay Tae" he said...

Though..., Menesmay was an MMA champion and she could defend herself well..., Taehyung couldn't stop himself from worrying about her..., Jungkook on the other hand was more worried about his noona because she might be the big badass, independent business woman that everyone admires but deep down she is a really weak person emotionally..... 'i hope things don't go out of hand in the conference room' he prayed inside his head...

Back in the conference room..., Amelia mentally rolled her eyes at Jimin 'typical Jimin complicating things more than he should' she thought and before any more reporters could ask anything stupid she spoke "Even though Jimin answered that question..., it was an invalid question and since everyone is so curious..., I will say it again.., Jimin and I may had or have been in love with eachother...but love isn't always enough..., we weren't compatible with eachother so.., we broke up and thankfully on good terms..., he is happy with Addison Meckinze now and that's what matters..., As for me..., I am happily married to my work but who knows..? I might date a nice guy at some point..." she felt her heart ache a little at her lies but she continued with her semi speech "I hope public won't bully Jimin and Ms. Meckinze from now on.. and with that hope in my heart..., this press conference is over, a huge thank you to everyone that came here today and to everyone watching this right now"...

Reporters turned off their cameras.. one by one as the whole conference room was filled with murmurs but Amelia kept her composure even though she desperately wanted to yell at them to get the fuck out..., Jimin seemed to know what exactly was going through her pretty head as he cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention and pointed towards the door... which had 'EXIT' written boldly in glowing font.
Some reporters scoffed that moment....Jimin didn't really care if he looked rude..., he just didn't want Amelia to do anything that she would regret later...

‌On the other hand, Amelia felt a teeny tiny bit thankful but she is really bad at apologizing or thanking people so.., she just stayed quiet as the reporters left the conference room...

Seeing that all of them left.., Amelia stood up from her chair and dusted off the non existent wrinkles on her suit..., she was leaving the room as well swift motion.., Jimin stood up from his chair and caught her by the wrist...

Amelia scoffed as she glared first at Jimin's hand and then at his pretty face that she had once adored..."what do you want now?!" Amelia said through gritted teeth..

Jimin facial expression saddened instantly but he gave her a tight smile..."I just wanted to thank you and ask if we could still be friends.." he said with slight hesitancy...and the reaction he got from her was highly expected...

Amelia darkly laughed as she gave Jimin a mocking look..."Friends..? Jimin....for the love of God.., you and me..., we both know that it's a bad idea and like I said...I never want to see your not so pretty face again.." she said with clear hatred in her eyes...

Jimin's grip on Amelia's wrist loosened and taking advantage of the situation..., Amelia retrieved her wrist back from his hold but the unwanted conversation wasn't coming to an end, well..., from her perspective....this conversation was a waste of time...

"No...I don't think it's a bad idea at all.." Jimin said looking into her eyes with determination and mind you all, Jimin is an inch shorter than our Amelia here...

Mocking Jimin's height session aside..., Amelia wasn't letting this guy whom she knew was bad for her.., manipulate her life ever again "last time I checked..., you never had the right to tell me what to do.., I am independent enough to decide what I want and what I do so.., you don't have the right to tell me otherwise..., now please do both of us a favour and never return into my life ever again..." she she stormed out of the conference room..

Jimin felt his shattering heart and it finally hit him like an ant was crushed beneath a heavy ass truck 'i am never getting her back in my life.., might as well stop trying..' he thought...

But will he stop trying though...?

forlorn for eternity in the midst of happy endings - a p.j.m ff Where stories live. Discover now