"What's wrong this time?"

"Stuck on a roof. Leg got shot. Cops everywhere." 

"Again? C, this is the fourth time this week!"

"Well, I can't exactly help it, can I?" Skull muttered something Cross didn't understand, and hissed through the phone. "Fine. Nell, get the car ready! C's in trouble!" Skull's wife called back, her response muffled. Shuffling was heard, and Skull grunted slightly before talking into the phone again. "Where you at?" Cross frowned. Where was he? His brow furrowed, "Near the market square. On a building surrounded by cops. Shouldn't be hard to miss." Faintly, Cross heard a few slams followed by the sound of an engine starting. Some three minutes later, Skull spoke. "Found ya." Cross sat up, shifting closer to the edge to look for Skull's familiar faded Mercedes. "I don't see you." Skull snorted, "Ever heard of stealth? Nell's setting up a bomb, goes off in two. When it does, I want you to jump. Nell's going to catch you." Cross wanted to laugh. That was a stupid plan. Instead, he focused on listening for the tell-tell sound of a bomb going off. As soon as it came, the ground rumbling slightly, Cross pushed himself up with no small amount of pain, and rolled off the side of the building. A second later, he felt Nell's familiar magic closing around his SOUL, squeezing him uncomfortably as she lowered him to the ground. She threw his arm over her shoulder, both of them limping/running towards the scuffed red car. Tears dotted the edges of Cross's sockets the more he moved, his leg screaming in pain. He was close to fainting by the time they reached the vehicle, slumping against the car's side when Nell let him go. She stopped, sockets wide with concern. "Cross?" He waved her off, "I'm fine." She frowned, but left him alone, helping him get inside. Skull spared his friend a glance, "You alright?" Cross nodded, sucking down air through his teeth. He'd been shot before, and it still hurt as bad as he remembered. Nell was sitting beside him, eyeing him with worry. Cross's red eyelight had gone pale. He barely noticed that they'd long since sped off, his attention completely centered around staying awake. Distantly, he noted that Nell was speaking worriedly before his sockets fluttered shut and he went limp. Nell cried out in alarm, her hands cradling Cross's skull, her shout alarming her husband. Without any regard to anyone but them, Skull floored the gas.

(real quick, Cross's soul is dual, meaning that it's still a half human and monster soul. The human half is completely dead and inactive. So Cross pretty much only has half a soul, and he's weaker than he should because of it. So he feels pain more intensely, and any injuries cause more damage to him that it would a normal monster. Basically, the bullet wound is killing him. It took a lot of his HP, and bloodloss only added to this, so him passing out is kinda normal, and a huge cause for panic. 

half soul=weak boy.
weak boy+gunshot+bloodloss= he might fall down or dust
I'm sure you get it. anyways, back to the story.)


Reaper woke up to loud talking. He groaned, rolling over and trying to go back to sleep. "Oh my god!!" Geno's voice shattered through his sleepy haze, startling him awake and sending him rushing out to see what had happened. "Geno, whats-" He choked once he found the cause of panic. Cross was unconscious and the top of his skull was looking a little gritty. The limp monster's leg was bleeding. Already, Reaper felt a pull towards him, and he grit his teeth. Cross, it seemed, was about to Fall Down. Geno spotted Reaper hovering nearby and waved him over, worry and panic written across his face. "Reaper, go find JJ. Now." He didn't even try to protest, nodding grimly before he teleported to JJ's room. The flame monster jolted in surprise, confused. Flickering letters flashed between them. What's wrong? Reaper shook his head, "Cross is back, and he needs healing." JJ's face contorted. This was the sixth time that month.

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