He gets out of the car and I hold the door. He opens his trunk and the man in the mask walks towards the car. I hear them talking, but I keep my focus on holding the door.

The man walks back to his car with something over his shoulders. I let the door go and look back. I make eye contact with Zaiden and he laughs at my shock face.

He walks around the car and opens the door. He pulls me out of the car and I start crying, "No!!! Don't sell me!! Please!!"

"Is this her?" I hear the man ask, "Yeah, this is her."

The man walks around Zaiden and looks at me, "Why is she only in a robe?"

I whimper when he touches my face, "If I want to fuck I can just snatch the robe off with no problem."

The man lets out a sigh, "Okay, put her down."

Zaiden puts me down and I stand close to him. The man touches my face and I try to run. He grabs my arm, "Don't run. I would hate to see what he would do to you if you run."

I look at him and he lets my arm go, "You're not buying me?"

The man looks at Zaiden, "I didn't tell her anything. She jumped to conclusions." He laughs out and the man looks at me.

I suck in a shaky breath, "Let me go get my camera."

He walks to his car and Zaiden looks at me, "I didn't say anything about selling you, did I?"

The masked man walks back up to us and looks at me, "Wipe your tears. You don't want to be sad in your picture, do you?"

I wipe my tears and I notice that the man has tattoos on both of his arms, "You like?"

I look at the man and I turn away from him, "I need to take a picture of you. Look into the camera."

I look into the camera and he takes a couple of pictures of the both of us. "I will mail them to your house. Until then do all your work here."

The man looks at my feet, "Really? No shoes either?"

Zaiden shrugs his shoulders and laughs, "I see no need in shoes."

"I'm leaving now." He walks to his car and I watch his back. Before getting in his car and he looks at me.

Zaiden pulls me towards the car and I look back at the man. "Just because he was being nice to you doesn't mean he wants anything to do with you."

I look at Zaiden, "I don't care for that."

We get in the car and he drives off, "I'm killing someone else today."

I ignore him and look out the window. "Do you know that man?"

He raises his eyebrow, "Interested in him, aren't you? He already has a woman so he will not be able to save you."

I let out a frustrated sigh, "It's a yes or no question. The only thing that can save me is you yourself. You can kill me and I will be saved."

He laughs, "You really want to die."

I look out the window and watch as the people walk freely. I see a man and his daughter.

My parents abandoned me at a young age. I have no siblings and when my parents abandoned me I couldn't find anyone who could be related to me. So I ended up in a foster home and never got adopted.

I don't know the feeling of having loving friends and family. I've been alone my whole life.

I feel the car come to a complete stop and I look forward. "We're at a different casino. You'll go in and get in uniform."

I look at Zaiden, "Wait, you're not coming with me?"

He walks around the car and opens the door for me. He pulls me out of the car, "Nope."

He pushes me towards the building, "Go ahead."

I shake my head, "W-What am I supposed to do? Why aren't you coming?"

He gets in his car and rolls his window down, "Just go in there. They'll know who you are once you walk in."

I grab the door handle and pull at it, "Don't leave me here!!"

He drives off with me still holding the door handle. I fall to the ground and cry. I watch as he drives off and I look around.

I feel a sharp pain on my knee and I see that I scrapped my knee. I look in the direction that Zaiden went and cry even harder, "Why? Why did he leave me?"

I slowly walk towards the entrance. Someone opens the door and I step back. The woman looks at me up and down.

Her eyes land on my collar and she opens the door wider, "Come on. Go to the back and get yourself cleaned up. The girls in the back will help you."

She walks in front of me and I follow her towards the back. Once we get to the back she claps her hands to get all of the women attention, "Get her fixed up and send her out here."

I look at my feet when I feel all eyes on me. One girl walks up to me, "The showers are that way. Once you get out just ask one of us for something to wear."

Everybody goes back to what they were doing and I slowly walk towards the showers. I'm surprised to see that the showers are clean.

I take my robe off and turn on the water. I take a quick shower and then go back out with the other women.

"You done?" I look towards a tall woman and slowly nod my head. She looks me up and down, "Since you have a little scratch on your knee I'm going to put you in some stockings or some knee-high socks."

I follow her and she leads me to a room full of clothes. She hands me a bandaid and I put it on my knee. She starts looking for something for me to wear.

She hands me some thigh high socks and I put them on. "The socks look really cute on you. You will be wearing a mini skirt with a long sleeve crop top. I'll do your makeup for you."

She picks up a pair of heels and pulls me to a chair. She stands in front of me, "You really don't need a lot of makeup. So I'll only do light make up on you."

Thirty minutes later she finishes my makeup and I put my heels on, "T-Thank you for helping me."

She smiles at me, "No problem. Once you get out there our manager will tell you what to do."

I nod my head and walk out to the front. The manager sees me and she walks up to me, "You will be taking orders and passing them out. Not too hard, is it?"

I shake my head and she leads me to a table. Once I get to the table all of the men stare at me. One of them touches my butt and he whistles, "This one doesn't have on anything under this skirt."

I step away from him, "I'm here to take your order not here for you to touch all over me."

The man laughs, "You must be new here. See, this place allows the women to be touched. That's what you all signed up for."

I walk away from the table and the manager stops me, "Where are you going?"

"I don't like them touching me." She rolls her eyes at me, "And I care because? He dropped you off so that means you will be working. If I tell him how you're acting who knows what he'll do."

I hold back my tears and walk back to the table. The man smirks at me and reaches over to squeeze my butt.

"Aren't you going to take our orders?"

I've Become Like HimWhere stories live. Discover now