"No mwore! Done now!"Harry says clapping his hands as Tara rubs shampoo into his hair, turning around to face Tara again as she shakes her head giving him her best stern Mummy face.

"Ah ah someone's being a bit of a naughty boy isn't he? Mumma doesn't want to be spanking any little bottoms tonight"She warns Harry as Harry gasps, his dummy nearly falling from his mouth as he quickly catches it and shoves it back between his lips with his palm.

"No 'pankies! Hawwy good boy for 'ummy!"Harry says quickly turning around and let's Tara wash the suds out of hair with minimal fuss, just the occasional whine when water accidentally dribbled on his face.

"Hold paccy for sec just while I wash your face bubba"Tara says pulling on the plastic bobbing between Harry lips, Harry grumbling about it but taking it out for a couple of seconds for Tara to scrub a washcloth over his face.

"Icky!"Harry says unhappy with the whole cleaning thats going on as Tara rubs the washcloth over his chest.

"It's not icky, washing yourself makes you smell not icky, Momma wants her little boy to smell like peaches"Tara says as Harry's face lights up.

"Hawwy a pweach!"Harry says as Tara squeezes his cheek nodding.

"I'm rubbing peaches on your peach baby!"Tara says as Harry bursts into giggles, Tara getting Harry to stand up so she can clean the lower part of his body, having to sit up on her knees to do this as he's a bit taller than her, a disadvantage of being a little is his and Tara's height difference.

"Momma funny!"Harry squeals as Tara rubs the peach scented body off Harry's butt and turns him around so she can tackle the frontal area, Harry getting shy now and trying to hide himself with his hands.

"Hands off buddy, Mumma will be quick okay?"Tara says softly as Harry blushes removing his hands for Tara to see he's half hard.

"Mumma touch?"Harry says softly as Tara shakes her head quickly, she already knows that anything sexual doesn't go down when Harry's in his headspace, it just feels wrong.

"Mumma is gonna use some cold water bubs so just a warning"She says running the cloth under the cold water and pressing it against Harry's penis, Harry whimpering and trying to wriggle away.

"Wan'special touches!"Harry cries hiccuping as Tara stands her ground.

"Special touches are done when Harry is a big boy which right now he isn't, he's Mumma's little lad sooo special touches can wait"She says simply, lifting the wash cloth to see it's done it's job and giving down there a quick clean.

"Don't be getting upset my love, you and Mumma can have some special time before you go home just not tonight okay"Tara says wiping the tears that are dribbling down Harry's cheeks, grabbing a towel knowing it's time to get him out.

"Can hawwy have dwiaper now?"Harry says softly with a sniffle as Tara picks him up under his armpits, just about able to lift him from the bath and onto the bath mat.

"M'huh it's even a Mickey one...my bubba's favourite!"She says rubbing the towel across Harry's body to dry him.

Harry is adorably already laying himself on the ground, getting himself in the position for his diaper which makes Tara chuckle grabbing his diaper, rash cream and some baby powder.

"Right legs up bubs, let Mumma take a peek at your rash"Tara says opening Harry's towel up and taking a look at the slight rash on his bum from sleeping in a wet diaper a little too long a couple of days ago.

"Owie"Harry says hissing as Tara touches the rash, opening up the cream and smearing it on there, not wanting her boy to be in pain.

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