'What's up with her...? She looked as if in pain...' Aayan asks as Mrs. Kumar places the toast in front of them

'You know baba, girls thing..' Mrs. Kumar replied, Aayan got more confused at this

'Uh... I don't understand...' He scratches his head

Mrs. Kumar rolls her eyes and continues her work

'Let it be Baba, you lived away from your wife for 3 years, that's why you'll not remember it...' she says and Aayan frowned

How are those two related ? Women !
He rolls his eyes and starts eating his breakfast

After a while, Jai joins them and looks around

'Where's your brother ?'

'Sleeping...' Aayan replies

'Why ? He never sleeps this late, is he okay Taraji ?' Jai looks at Mrs Kumar

'He was fine by night Sahab, let me check...' She keeps the breakfast on table and turns off the stove

'No need Pappy, he was talking to Disha all night, that's why he's sleeping, nothing is wrong with him...' Aayan says while pouring some milk on Amayraa's bowl for cornflakes

'Why are you brothers so hopelessly romantics ?' Jai rolls his eyes

'I am not...'

'Oo really Baba...' Mrs. Kumar answers before Jai and they high five each other, While Aayan rolls his eyes

'Eww...' Amayraa cringes looking at her breakfast

'Eat something healthy, you are always on junk...' Aayan says sternly and she frowns

'Will I get cookie after this...?' she looks at him hopefully and Aayan couldn't deny looking at her puppy face

'Fine...' he sighs and Amayraa grins victoriously

'No you won't get any cookie, we don't want another visit to the dentist...' Ananya says entering the kitchen, followed by Sameer who looked sleepy and was literally dragging himself towards the table

'Good morning Romeo...' Jai smirks

'Morning Uncle...' Sameer rubs his eyes and stretches

'I thought you'll be up late...' Aayan says while Ananya takes a seat opposite to him

'I wanted to sleep more, but this crazy wife of yours, she tossed me down from the bed...' Sameer glared at Ananya who rolls her eyes

'Really ? She tossed you down ?' Jai asks surprised

'Yeah, she has more strength than me and Aayan combined...' Sameer says, he was a bit cranky

'Impossible...' Aayan mutters

'Really ? You wanna try ?' Ananya raises her brows

'No...' Aayan answers immediately

Ananya smirks, while Jai and Sameer look at him disappointed

'Scaredy cat...' Jai mutters, only Sameer and Aayan heard that

'She'll hurt herself...' he says in a low voice

'Well with you this lean, she can easily knock you down...' Sameer comments

'I still have strength...' he huffs

Ananya who was busy in eating fruits, winces as her lower abdomen was hurting like anything, Mrs. Kumar places her hot chocolate in front of her, patting her shoulders, she smiles at her and then glances at her phone

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