'In pain but Im ok.' I said. By his scent it was Yumichaki.

"Your back isnt pretty." He said. My back felt like I was on fire. I felt myself healing but the pain didnt go away.

"Ms. Nightmare cant see!? No wonder why the lust in her eyes were gone." Souruita laughed. Dammit he hit me with his special venom. It burns and stops my healing. It stops any power that anyone could do.

"You bastard." I said. I stood up with the help of Yumichaki. I closed my eyes and inhaled the air. I took out Hikari. I touched his blade. I slide my hand across the blade and then let the water drip in my back. More pain spread everywhere.

"This isnt fair. Your hurt." Shi said.

"I have to finish what my mother would of done long ago." I said. The pain started slowly dispersing. I stood up properly.

"Guy stay back and get out if the area. No matter how much Im close to dying. Dont help me." I said. I felt them leave but watch from the distance.

"Brave one now. You shouldnt have done that." He said. I heard him move and my zanpakuto hit against his hard skin. We fought some more. I scent something mix with blood and strong headache medicine. I gasped and flash step away.

"Fast one too." He laughed. I stood in a stance with my eyes closed. I could hear him walking towards me. I put Hikari in one hand and the blade touching my other palm. Now I was standing with Hikari looking like a flat line.

"You havent seen my real power yet." Blue ora revolved around me making Souruita stop in his track.

"The power of the water element." The blade turned into water the moved around me. I shot open my eyes. They where brown with bright blue beaming out from it. "Water snake." The water spun around and formed a long blue crystal clear snake.

"Wo-" I cut of Souruita making the snake attack him. He did cut the snake in half but it re connected by separating and attached again biting him.

"Ice snake." I said closing my hands. Te water turned into ice still in a snake form but with 10x more strength. The air was filled with warm sweet metallic smell and screams.

"Y-you think you de-defeated me." Souruita said. "They call me Souruita because Im a S-Soul Eater." He roared hurting my ears. I let out a shout in pain covering my ears. I felt a rush of wind and then I felt something hard and spiky hit my stomach. He sent me flying across the sky.
I hit the ground pretty heard because just making contact with the ground I heard my bones crack. Cuts were all over my body. I healed that quickly.

"I know I-I will." I spit out blood then I felt myself being thrown in the air again.

~Uraharas POV~

This isnt good. Kaias spiritual pressure was mix with something else that was strong.

"Urahara we have to go!" Yoruichi said running outside. I grabbe my cane and followed her. Tessai, Ururu, and Jinta followed. We ran towards the forest. I saw Ichigo, Toshiro, Rangiku, Orihime, Chad, Uryu, Renji, Rukia, Yumichaki, and Ikkaku standing, sitting watching something. We got there and I saw what wad happening.

"Dont tell me she said you guys cant help her." I said hoping the answer was no.

"If we did we would be helping her." Ikkaku said sounding frustrating. I sighed. Why is she so stubborn. Fist she cant see, this isnt god for her.

"Who is that?" Jinta asked scratching his head. I sat on the ground criss cross, arms crossed over my chest with the cane next to me.

"Souruita. A hollow created by my wife." I said.

"S-Souruita as in 'Soul Eater'?" Yoruichi said. I nodded. Everything was silent. All we heard was shouts from the battle.

"I cant stand this." Ikkaku said.

"Shes getting hurt way to much." Ichigo sound aggravated. Kaia was being thrown around. Souruita was getting up with powerful hits and wind, water, and ice.

"This is bad but its also good for her to know about the key and light in her." I said. They groaned and sat there watching.

~Kaias POV~

I made a water pillar around him. He almost died but then broke the pillar with his venomous spit. He almost grabbed me but I jumped on his arm, kicked off, then kicked his stomach. He flew backwards. I landed on my feet panting. Something grabbed my feet throwing me making me hit the tree.

Souruita laughed. "Your all beat up." I coughed and spit out blood. I was dizzy. The pain returned on my back again. I screamed while panting. I opened my eyes again. This time I saw the gray bright sky. I moved my head to the left.

"Your hurt." She said. I realized I was in my mind again.

"Its finally good to see again." I said swallowing. She helped me up. The pain on my back disappeared.

"What am I doing here?" I asked.

"Your dying. The venom on your back is slowly killing you." She said. "You passed out right now so I can talk to you."

"About what? Getting my vision back?" I asked.

"I wish but no. Look your the key of light. You really wanna know how to use it right? Well heres the chance." She said.

"How would I do that?" I looked at her blue eyes. She smiled.

"We have to become one." She said.

"Are we already one?"

"By body yes but power and mind no." She said looking down.

"How would we do that?"

"You have to let me in. Theres a good and a bad thing about this. 1 you will control your key and understand the half part of you. The bad part you wont see me anymore." She said.

"Why?" I asked confusedly.

"Because we are one. Our mind and power are together. Its gonna be just us not you and me." She smiled. "Hurry theres no that much time."

"I'll miss you." I hugged her.

"Dont worry were always together." She took my hands. I inhaled and exhale slowly then nodded.

"Join the power of the key of light and the beholder. Together we become one." We said. White light formed around us. Everything changed.

I gasped. I stood up ignoring the pain on my back. The power I never felt before filling my body. I closed my eyes and stood up straight.

"This would be your last Souruita." I said. I put my hands together. I did some hands symbol. "The key of light. Unlock." Souruita screamed.

"No, No, No. This isnt happening." I ran towards him. I flash step behind him and in front. I left white light lines around him. It formed a box.

"Seal." I said. The lines locked locking him in the box. He screamed from pain. He complained about it being to bright.

"Bye Souruita." I said. I stuck out my hand. I pointed my finger at him. A small white ball formed. I released my white cero hitting the box. It filled the gaps and burned it. The final words Souruita said was "Well done Nightmare." I gasped and fell on my knees.

"Kaia!" A herd of people shouted my name. I heard their foot steps rushing towards me.

"You defiantly want a death wish." Renji laughed. I felt weak and warred out. I felt my eyes close and relax.

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